I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Sunday 20 March 2011

UP HALF THE NIGHT (20/03/11)

Last night, as all in blogland will by now know, was the closest the moon has been to the Earth since I was forty three years old…….I’m glad it was behind cloud here as that was not a good year.  It doesn’t alter the fact that I’m green as a Martian with envy looking at all the wonderful pictures.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA       The Infinity Bridge at Stockton on Tees. It is night! No pictures worth posting today so it’s into the bin for a few…………No moon in this either.

Untitled-1_edited-1     What I couldn’t get by fair means, I got by foul…………………………………………….

space1     and foulerer still. Photoshopier still if right is right……………………………………………..

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    Not foul or fowl but the lunar eclipse on the twenty first of December last year.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGibbous Moon through trees on Christmas Eve last year……………the same moon we eclipsed………….had to be we only have the one. Is that how one spells Gibbous? I always want an (I) in it. I know it has one………after the two Bs or Bees. I meant.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     Stars over Finchale Abbey. I took ages setting this up to get Polaris dead centre then I recomposed the shot and forgot why…….. it’s moved, cos it has, dumb cluck I am it’s the only stationary star visible from the northern hemisphere. the world for that matter.

We move it doesn’t, well it does a wee bit…………..sometimes I think if I swam to the bottom of a pond and crawled under a stone I’d be mentally challenged by the creatures I’d find. I ought to seriously think about a change of location to the southern hemisphere they don’t have this problem. The southern cross is roughly south. Good enough for Aussies…….place is so big it would be hard to miss Australia! If one has found it then surely there are road signs…………..there are aren’t there?

  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     Finally the sun……………………enough! The log, or chip off one, on my shoulder has gone….. Felt like a log! Jammy devils you are.

Congratulations to all of you that managed moon shots. I love them.

We are off to Derbyshire for a few days but hopefully will have time for some snaps. Have a good week.


  1. Oh what a fun post.. a bit of everything celestial. I love the spiraling stars at Finchale Abbey. That's a wonderful shot.

  2. I agree with Hilary, how funny. Lovely shots.

  3. Enjoyed it as always; I'll refer all my sci-fi writing friends to you if they're looking for a cover design.

  4. Hilary, try star shots they are fun. Cold fun usually. You need no moon and do need foreground interest..the night has to be as black as a witches hat then get a big lamp and light up the tree/building. Can't be certain if you don't have an interval timer then get bulb release. Set the camera to multiple shots then set the mirror lift to 30secs. Depending on camera it's called anti shock. Then lock off the bulb release and it will keep shooting till the batteries or memory card run out. Processing the eighty odd images is a different ball game.Keep stacking them and change blend to screen. The last one blend mode to lighten. that's the foreground one. I usually light the first and last......belt and bracer's!
    I do free tutorials but only on rainy days here. Ask if you want the words and music....it's no bother.

  5. Bob, it was a pisser having cloud but that's photography. Could have done with a stunning moon.

    Jolynne...No don't do that. I get these effects in PS Elements using the cloud filter and difference mainly, bit of painting in. MAINLY a lot of Gaussian blur to cover up. Americans are brilliant at photo and digital manipulation...Dave Hill....Stunning. I'm just starting out.

  6. Keith, just a laugh. Have a good week.

  7. :-)) have a good new week, too. Hugs from Luzia.

  8. You know Adrian you should be writing copy and illustrating it from your photo library. I've read many professional writers who are less amusing than you are.

  9. You may fail in achieving your main objective from time to time but you always end up with an interesting post Adrian.

  10. Lucy, you too and post some more water colours.....Please.

    Graham, I couldn't stand the constant rejection. I'm much more confident with the blog. There is too little humour in the world. Maybe I will submit some copy to a few nationals. They are the only ones that pay. The reason I tend to shoot and post the same day is that I can't find a thing in my photolibrary. I need a secretary or librarian, cook. a laundry maid.........that's the word.....A Wife. Perhaps not tried two of them.

    John, thanks. Necessity is the mother of posting balderdash. Went out for Sunday lunch yesterday, went for a walk.......forgot the camera. Don't know how it weighs a ton or to be PC a tonne. That's what a couple of pints and a roast beef dinner does.

  11. Graham....PS. I've read plenty of professional writers that are far more amusing........not sure they mean to be Simon Heffer is one. not sure of the spelling but he has a column in Saturdays Telegraph.......his rants have me rolling about. He makes Genghis Khan look moderate and has as much grasp of reality as Prince Andrew or Nick Clegg......I'm reserving judgement on David Cameron but not for much longer.
