I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Thursday 9 June 2011

THE QUIET LIFE (09/06/11)

I have moved a mile down the road to Pecknell Farm. This place is very peaceful…….old buildings, birds, flora and best of all quiet.

_6094332_3_4_5_6_tonemapped_edited-1 A small corner of Lartington Hall Park.

_6094311_2_3_4_5_tonemapped_edited-1  The view from the van.

_6094321_2_3_4_5_tonemapped_edited-1The date and the vents are clay land drains…………..a unique form of decoration in my experience.


_6094348_49_50_51_52_tonemapped_edited-1  Some lovely old buildings.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  A Dog Rose in the woods.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA Grey Squirrel admiring the photographer.


I had a frustrating half hour or so shooting Swallows…………these are better than my previous attempts but there is still room for improvement.

All images will enlarge with a click. Have a good weekend.


  1. Nice pictures of the buildings Adrian....but then that is the style of photography I like.
    You have a good weekend too..!!


  2. Beautiful images as always. I love the sunlight in your photos

  3. Looks a beautiful place Adrian.
    The pictures of the old buildings are outstanding.
    And well done with the Swallows. Certainly not easy, but you seem to have cracked it here.

  4. I have been bad at commenting lately but am always checking to see what you are up to and to see the images.

  5. Your first photo gives such a sense of tranquility ~ just lovely. Buildings built to last! Just amazing to see such a unique design. Sounds like you've found a perfect spot for peaceful thoughts to flow, and for taking more wonderful photos. Swallows have such a distinct shape ~ I'm always amazed how quickly small birds can fly!

  6. Wonderful old buildings, love the squirrel, and your swallow photos are great.

  7. the light is fabulous in the scenic shots!

  8. Beautiful shots of the building, I wonder, it must been tricky putting the numbers in.

  9. Fascinating the way people took yime and effort to put some individual decoration on those old buildings.

    Love the cheeky looking squirrel.

  10. Just caught up with your last couple of posts Adrian. Sorry to read you have been feeling so down, it's a horrible feeling... I hope things are picking up a bit now. Glad you have found a nice quiet spot, peace and quiet, that's what you need.

    Love the Squirrel photo and I think you did well with the Swallows, they are so difficult to capture!

  11. A wonderful sequence of nature shots. Especially the squirrel. You can see that determined personality.

  12. Trevor, all HDR It would be good to photograph the same scene at different times and compare the difference.....................a world I bet.

    Hilary I tend to shoot and post, some days are better than others but a bit of patience usually pays off. Early or late is almost always best.

    Keith, not cracked them yet but Horst and you pointed me in the right direction. These are full manual shot at about f11---!/250th.

  13. Dale, you and me both. Good to see you back in blogland.

    Glo, in such a busy country there is still the odd oasis.

    Norma, they are HDR....the light was good but it can be almost what I want it to be.

    Bob, it was easy he'd been to school.

    John, Yes there is little soul about now.....I'll get back cos there are three times as many buildings to spend time on. Even I have to have a touch of diffused light to play with.

    Shysongbird, it happens.........I will survive. many thanks.

    Olga, Grey Squirrels are a pest here but they are an attractive rodent. I will try and find a sculpture of Alice for you. It is a mirror of your wonderful shot. I'm writing this from Croft.....Charles Dodgson/ Lewis Carroll lived here from the age of eleven till his late teens.

  14. That building and your treatment of it is amazing. That is most unusual with the date and I cant believe I've never heard of this place before.

  15. All lovely views, and those decorations most unusual but I still think the photo below that (the 4th) is my favourie. A sort of double mystery with the door and the blocked up arch and interesting light.

  16. Great post, I am glad you found some quiet. I love how well maintained that farm is.

  17. Jay, glad you are amazed. The Pecknell farm is on the map between Barnard Castle and Lartington Hall.

    Monica, it is a grand place. I'll get back for a proper look round.

    Jolynne, it is a busy place as farms go.
