I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Tuesday 21 June 2011


Today started wet and windy. Revolting weather to celebrate the summer solstice. You wouldn’t have caught me running about covered in woad, it would have washed off in all the rain so a waste of time applying it.
The weather guessers are promising thunder storms later so should they materialise I’ll try for some lightening shots should their guesses turn out right.
Wet Grass One
Wet Grass Too,
Now I start to get a wee bit silly……………………….This is a joiner image………several shots joined up. In this case one shot chopped up and re-joined so perhaps better described as a Rejoinder Image.
Attempt number one……………A Riley Gamecock.
Attempt Two A Farm.
 A Tempt(ress) Three…………the lass next door with her serious head on. I accept responsibility and as always can’t leave a good thing alone. I buy photo magazines from time to time and in this case it is Digital Photo that must take a small share of the blame.
I look forward to your rejoinders.
Have fun.
There is yet another issue with Blogger……I can’t post from Live Writer so now have to run around and use Google composer and share pictures…………..Brilliant!!!
An hour to compose and three hours to work round the problems. I know why you sold it Blogger but thanks and no thanks!
Google sort out your problems with Microsoft over a table not over the Web. You are behaving like the wee Kids you are.
Blogger Composer doesn't even come close to Live Writer.


  1. not familiar with Live Writer... so no opinion on that
    love your rejoinders!

  2. Amazing pictures, especially the rejoinders and wet grass.

  3. The thunderstorm never came! After all we are in Summer!

  4. I appreciate the work in the re-joiners, but I just love that first wet grass shot.

  5. Fantastic creative stuff. Is your Live writer issue with this specialist post or all future ones?

  6. Hey Adrian, I still use the original Livewriter, without problems. I use photoshop to create panoramas or joiners, also without problems. Your joining effect is also very good and interesting.

  7. Norma, I suspect it is a Google issue. Good fun playing with images.

    Bob, it passed and hour or so. Thanks.

    DeeBee, no the afternoon wasn't too bad.

    Keith, Just play time.

    Jay, I've been having trouble for a day or so. Looking at known Issues I'm not alone. Creative, I suppose so, a bit silly but I enjoy it.

    Horst, Live Writer/Blogger will sort it...I hope. These are fake...........not several shots but one chopped up and re-assembled.

  8. There you go again Adrian - hogging all the rain.
    Love the two wet photos. The first worked well in monochrome.

  9. John, thanks............just got in after a dry morning........back to rain now though.

  10. One of the things I missed when I became an Apple man was Live Writer. I'd no soon become a convert than I changed. My own fault. But there are so many other benefits.

  11. Graham, Live writer is working again.....I suspect it is Google. Live Writer can't support many of the new templates.......it is all a bit silly. Blogger Composer is not very good.
