I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Friday 30 August 2013

DOOM AND GLOOM. (30/08/13)

It’s been a gloomy couple of days. I left Onich yesterday and drove up Glencoe on to Rannoch Moor.


The last view from the shores of Loch Linnhe captured in a rare bit of sunlight.

This morning I set off for Kinross and stopped for a square sausage and egg sandwich. The views looking down Glen Orchy from the layby can be spectacular. It was a bit grim this morning but still worth a look.

Untitled_Panorama1 Loch Tulla.

Glen Orchy2  Glen Orchy.

_MG_1315_6_7_tonemapped Ben Mhannach. I hope.

We are now at my sisters in Kinross and will be till Wednesday as the dogs can’t have their hair cut till Tuesday.

Have a good weekend.


  1. That first shot is a cracker Adrian.
    Then I scrolled down .....
    that last one is something special.
    Now, you didn't give that a 'shove', surely?

    1. Keith, I'm afraid It had five minutes of shoving. It's a tone mapped image from three shots. Vibrance was pushed a bit then iroughly selected the crepuscular rays in the RAW Editor and pushed highlights and clarity. The hardest bit was running for the camera with a sausage buttie in my hand.

  2. Four cracking images there Adrian, especially the last one...(?)
    I guess you'll have be on your best behaviour now, while your sisters keeping an eye on you?...[;o)

    1. Trevor, it's a grand place to be with all the groomesses running about.

  3. Your last photo is spectacular, I am gum-stopped, I think.

    1. Bob, oh dear....try syrup of figs.
      Glad you liked it.

  4. Hi Trevor... These are spectacular shot's!!
    What a beautiful place, yet again you have been in many beautiful places!!
    Lucky you !!
    Have a great visit with Sis !!

    1. Grace, I usually stop at this buttie van as the quality is better than the average. It's in a wonderful place. It used to have a tame stag but some evil sod shot it in the eye with an air gun and the gillie had to come and shoot it. He should have shot the bastard with the airgun at the same time.

  5. Stunning Adrian especially the last three images (last one especially) with the clouds, brilliant.

  6. Ta, Douglas. I almost lost my breakfast for the last one. Didn't dare leave it in the truck with the dogs so had my buttie jammed between my knees.

  7. What I love about here, is that even with the gloom the light can be spectacular. Beautiful photos.

    1. Annie, I get spoilt. These were shot in light drizzle and are recoverable. I am coming back this winter and stopping for the summer with I hope a more disciplined approach.

  8. They're all good. Adrian, I suggest you stop reading here because the following is just my opinion which is likely worthless.

    I want to say I like #1 best but I'm not sure I do. One of the things I always think about is does my eye wander around the picture - back and forth looking for a focal point. It kind of does in #1 because the mountain is just as interesting as the house and its surroundings but I do like the detail of the house. Number 2 has the best focal point. The stream to the left leads my eye right to the body of water and that's where my eye stays.

    Both number 3 and 4 are really eye catching. They are both as interesting as they are pretty. Number 4 being the most interesting, I found myself staring at it for quite awhile.

    1. David, fair criticism. I like critics. I would love the luxury of an editor. what I get you see. I shoot and post. Just like I do composites in 3D. Number four needs the black cloud in the top left shifting. What the hell it's a record shot.

  9. Those pictures, Adrian, make me realise what it is that makes me feel so emotional every time I drive home though Scotland. I have driven those glens in snowstorms, rainstorms, mist and glorious sunshine. I never tire of them. Your photos remind me how lucky I am.

    1. Graham, I too love it, taking snaps in Sheffield or Liverpool isn't quite the same. There is so much light here. Not always, one has to be patient but it rarely fails to come up with a vista to blow ones mind. My camera and my processing can't do the landscape justice. I wish I could describe it in words. I'll roll a spliff and see if the words come. There are good places all over the world but I love it here.

  10. I think all four photographs in this post are spectacular, but I know nothing about cameras or Scotland (more's the pity). I am so sorry to read that you fiddled a bit with the last one. 'Twould have been truly wonderful if it had looked that way untouched.

    1. Rymeswithplague, photographs are snaps but art means some manipulation. All my images are as my eye/brain saw it. The camera can't see what you can or I can see. It's just a tool. Sometimes I don't process enough oft times I process to much. I hope it looked just like this.

      Tomorrow....I pinky finger promise to post the three original images.

  11. HI Adrian Once again, all 4 wonderful shots however the last oneis spectacutlar.

    1. Pick me, pick the bits you don't like. I shoot and post,cook dinner. Compose a ten second animated movie. I wish! I'm ever so busy.

  12. I do like the first and last Adrian. Portrait shape suits the first and the tiny building near the bottom gives an idea of scale. The sunbeams make the last one - don't seem to see them much these days.

    1. All HDR, John. The panoramas were 'and 'eld. the vista didn't seem to warrant a tripod....They turned out middling.

  13. All these are breathtaking, I missed out on all of this.

    1. Maria, no you didn't missived a day late. out you just arr

  14. Yes I like the scale in the first one. But four lovely photos of the landscape. Only being there could you really take in the whole experience, so photos are as close as we get to that.

    1. Carol, being there helps but I was multi tasking or trying to. The primary job was eating breakfast.

  15. You may have gloomy days but you can still make some excellent photos. The valleys and low cloud make for an interesting scene.

    1. Red, getting above or even level with cloud is usually a good thing. Unless one is a pilot it shows a rare view of the world.

  16. Awesome images, Adrian. Have you thought of doing some dodging and burning to improve them a little more?

    1. Horst the last one is highlight dodged but I couldn't go much further without blowing the highlights.

  17. Fantastic work back up with some Lorne Sausage ... the tops

    1. Jay Lorne sausage was made for a breakfast bap.
