I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Monday 26 August 2013


This morning I spoke to Mr Jones whose land I had being abusing in Connich and he says he will drop me a text when the leaves turn. He was a bit short . His daughter came for lunch with the dogs and I yesterday…..Should that ‘I’ be a ‘Me’?…let I know.

Anyway she isn’t my perfect shape and at the tender age of twenty four more than I could handle. I gave her dad this URL so she’d looked and knew when I asked her to pose it wasn’t a good place to get into. She was well aware of the tone of the blog and birds are not a top priority. I told her she must be in the top one hundred I’ve ogled this year  but still the little madam wouldn’t share her attributes with you….A wise girl!_MG_1230   Broom seed pod. It was dry and hot yesterday, I was surrounded with Broom. It’s supposed to crack like a banger on bonfire night. They just sit there and open with barely a whisper. It’s a boring plant…Looks half right in spring.

We set off to Fort William. Hit Morrison's big time, the dogs have food, my tinned fruit is overflowing, I’ve one of their posh quiches with red onion and fierce,…sorry wild mushroom. Sausages by courtesy of a deer. The dogs and I are, we are …Well made up.

I’m back down at Onich. I like this bit of Loch Linnhe. even with flat light it’s half good. 

_MG_1241  This is the view from the van. I was prostrate and in pain with a tripod to focus stack this but was defeated by the wind. I can get half decent piks by substituting  one clear shot into the HDR process. I can’t focus stack as well. Twenty four images down to the bin. On the positive side I managed to regain the vertical position. A lady thought I was dying, pity it wasn’t the lady from yesterday. I would have died but it would have been a happy end.

Now Mr Yorkshire Pudding. I recognise that you were my first ever follower, When I first started blogging I didn’t realize one had to follow or could. After four or five years here we are back together. You are here as an has been teacher but I also accept your criticism. Here is the Catholic Church perfect.

ypcatchurch   I know from years as an engineer that near enough is not good enough. Be aware I'm a picky beggar when it comes to straight. This one slipped thorough the net. I would like to blame Lewis Hamilton and Cal Crutchlow. They did their very best. Good enough isn’t near enough.

Finally Glo is back, I was worried she had become extinct. Not a bit of it, she’s overcome her drink and drug dependence and is back fighting what the world chucks her way.


adrianbigkick_zps12c08caa   Don’t I look the dogs bollocks. I wish…. HERE IS GLO. A damn good photo processor. She also makes old men look young….Glo, where were you yesterday afternoon when I needed you?

Have fun.


  1. " His daughter came for lunch with the dogs and I yesterday…..Should that ‘I’ be a ‘Me’?…let I know."

    Of course that 'I' should be a 'Me'? Or, rather, a 'me'...objects of prepositions take objective case. Pointing out to an Englishman how English should be spoken is carrying coals to Newcastle. I can't help being pedantic, sorry.

    I get a great deal of enjoyment looking at your photographs and reading your accompanying text.

    One of your avid, newer, readers.

  2. je maakt zo doende heel wat mee.

  3. The third picture I love ... and the last one .. must say you are truly sporty ;)

  4. Rhymeswithplague.
    I agree but proper grammar is always a headache. I knew it should be me this time.
    I speak five languages well three the last two fifths is split three ways between ancient Greek and old Roman and American English.
    You like the the text It's the bit I am not good at...Not spot on with the snaps either. One does ones best.
    I love blogger but Dutch is hard to learn, Russian is easy but Arabic is desperately hard. Even doing their times tables is hard. No wonder they find English easy at skool.
    Seriously, I have learnt more serious mathematics from Americans than I ever did at school. You, like I, want to share knowledge. It's important, very important to share.

  5. Adrian, hilarious today! Between your "dreaming" and "fantasy" and then given homework from YP, not sure how you found time to re-provision. Glad to see Sir RWP join your Summer holiday.

    1. Carol, it's not easy being an idiot. Takes years of dedication.

  6. It depends on which of you were eating with the dogs. If it were you, then "I was eating with the dogs" is correct. Certainly "me was eating with the dogs is not." The daughter might have consented to having her picture taken if you had not served her lunch with the dogs.

    Not sure what to say about the furry pod. It's a furry pod but two toned like cars used to be. If they come in different colors I like red and white. Preferably the white being made of cloth and will open much as you claim this pod will.

    The water looks inviting but those rocks? Not so much. Not to bare feet.

    The Catholic church looks the same to me. But obviously I don't have a critical eye. My photographs as I laughingly refer to them, can attest.

    I had seen the old man defying gravity yesterday. Impressive indeed and deserving of a second look.

    1. David, Thanks for the English lesson.
      Broom is a very invasive plant. I the spring it has yellow gorse like flowers so looks fine.

      The church is just pulled straight and corrected for barrel distortion.

      Glo, is good at making me look good.

      Sorry for the delay in replying I've been playing with blender 3D. Great fun so thanks.

    2. The English lesson? Aww, I knew you were just fishin' and didn't want you to leave without so much as a nibble. But I'll return the thanks - actually sincerely - and say thanks for the info as always about things such as the Broom of which I previously knew nothing.

      Blender has lots of video tuts which are easy to find. I like the online tut much better and last time I looked it was hard to find. Here is the link if interested: Noob to Pro

    3. David, I'm not sure it has anything that CS6 Extended doesn't. The tutorials are for the most part better than Adobe's. It's a powerful tool.
      It's giving heavy rain here for a couple of days so I'll try and post a result from it. I've yet to find the snap to grid or a trace tool but the former will be there and if the latter is missing then I can do that in PS.
      Thanks, it's a great bit of software.

    4. The snap function both for object mode and edit mode is on the menu bar. In object mode it is the item "Object." In edit mode it is item "Mesh." There are several snap functions there, i.e. snap to cursor. On snap to grid, it may not appear that the object is on the grid if you are in perspective view. I couldn't remember how to change to ortho but thinking it should appear obvious in that view. I am sure you have found these by now but just saying...

      I'm clueless about trace but curious.

    5. David, I couldn't find snap to mesh which is the really handy one.

  7. Adrian, I'm not surprised that the young lass was uncooperative if all you could summon up to impress her with was the offer of a chow down with the dogs! Then, after the chance was lost, you go out and buy a trailer load of posh nosh!! Obviously, deep down, you know what your future holds? So I guess you'll just have to settle for watching those popping pods instead!

    I like that church, built on solid ground no doubt? (shame about the pylon!)...[;o)

    1. Trevor, the pub is dog friendly. She ate at the table.

      I have yet to hear one pop. I've yet to see an eagle or a stag at bay. Not even glimpsed a unicorn.

      It's built on alluvial gravel. I'm leaving pylons and wind farms in. South of Ullapool the country is littered with them. It's a shame.

  8. The last picture is the winner, ha ha.

  9. "it's not easy being an idiot. Takes years of dedication." You're lucky. It comes naturally to me. As for the Catholic Church I didn't notice yesterday but as soon as I was trying to check today I, too, noticed the pylon. Don't worry though: no church is ever perfect.

    1. Graham, churches can be perfect but Mosques can't.
      I am sickened by beautiful landscape being desecrated by pylons so am leaving them in for the time being.

  10. Adrian son your karate is good, but no match for my karate style, wax on, wax off....

    1. Douglas, karate is dangerous. The only physical sports I have indulged in are rugby and boxing. I used to train at the YMCA and the boxers seemed to be super fit. At the age of twenty seven I did two rounds with a sixteen year old and have never been hit so often.

  11. Adrian, those wildflowers plants with pods are never boring. They are in fact even more exiting, to me anyway, than the ornamentals. I didn't know you had been an engineer; it shows with your landscape and architectural images.

    1. Maria, these are.
      Engineers do have a sensitive side.

  12. Thanks for the welcome back and link to my blog, Adrian :) Glad you liked the photoshopped image ;) Splayed in pain with a tripod also offers interesting possibilities...the results were well worth the effort.

    Speaking of broom... we have broombusters on the island who attempt to discourage further infestation of this invasive species. Broombusters lop off the blooms before they go to seed in hopes of 'cutting back'. How broom was intentionally introduced to Vancouver Island can be read about in this link.

    1. Glo, I hope you are fighting fit again. You live in a beautiful place. Broom excepted.

      The Photoshop work is just great. It's also good fun.

  13. You and Glo make such a good team. You both have me in stitches.

    Me would let you know about the grammar but me suspects you already know and would let I know that with a wink. But I am always amazed at how many good writers (one of which I am not) use "i" erroneously, thinking it sounds more correct than "me."

  14. Ah, familiar ground for me at last. Dear sausages in Morrisons Fort William.

    1. I enjoy it here. The far north west is better.
