I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Sunday 11 August 2013

WINDY. (11/08/13)

The promised thunder storms never materialised but it is raining.

It was too dull and damp for photographs this morning. I don’t like using the strobe light in the wet as they aren’t or don’t look very waterproof. The new Canon 600EX-RT is weather resistant I believe and so it should be the price it is.

I had a bit of a tumble this morning. I noticed some Chantrelles growing on a steep bank in the woods. The shots I got were all blurry and as I turned to descend I fell over the bloody dog. I missed landing on the dog and saved the camera but my shoulder is killing me. It could have been worse; there was no one watching. I love watching folk fall over, I find it impossible not to laugh.

There is just one barely usable image to show for todays efforts.fleshfly A Flesh Fly. This is the Canon 100mm Macro lens with a 36mm Dorr extension tube. I had a set of them arrive yesterday and they seem to work very well. ISO was 800 and f11 seems to give reasonable DOF. The light on the fly is the adjustment brush tool in the Raw converter. Presentation is copywrite Mr Morgan. The cheques in the post as one used to be able to lie. A damn nuisance is electronic banking.

Have a good week.


  1. Nice photograph with the new canon 100 macro. I had to laugh, poor shoulder, hee ha ha.

    1. Bob, the lens isn't new just the extension tubes. There are few things funnier than folk falling over.

  2. Adrian, things must be bad when you can fall over without the aid of that special water? I didn't laugh!...no really..I didn't! I'm glad that you had the foresight to save the important things..the camera and that lovely little doggy!
    What are the terms...thirty days before I call in the heavies?

    Seriously, I hope the damage isn't too bad and the shoulder gets better soon...[;o)

    1. Trevor, The dogs, Molly in particular is always interested in seeing what I've found. I should check before I move.
      It's better now after a couple of Ibuprofen. No harm done.

  3. Sorry to hear about the shoulder.
    At least the camera gear and dog are OK though.

    (you didn't really expect sympathy from this part of the country, did you?)

    One picture, but a cracker all the same.

    1. Thanks Keith, No I didn't expect sympathy from anywhere. It seems to be a refex to save cameras and lenses.

  4. I hate flies, but your image is stunning, especially with the drops of water!
    I hope you have ointment to put on your shoulder; that's the only relief besides ice that I know. Your dog is like my Siamese; I've come close to falling because she loves to prance along close to me. Still I love her.

    1. Norma, today there wasn't much choice...I do have an image of a sheep tic but even I find those a bit grim.

  5. Hi Adrian... I think the laugh over a fall is a world wide thing, why I don''t know but I do laugh, even when I fall, well first I look to see if anyone is watching, god forbid anyone would see me haha!!

    You have made a common(haha) fly look wonderful!!

    1. Grace, the Spanish are the only people I know that don't laugh at other peoples misfortune.

  6. I agree....it is funny watching others fall, and I sometimes will laugh if I fall. With that said, I hope your should heals up. Glad the camera was okay:)

    1. Chris, it will. it's second nature to save the camera.

  7. Hi Adrian That new lens is brilliant. the shot of the fly is Life like. Sorry to hear you fell over the dog but glad you saved the camera. Hope the shoulder gets better soon. I didn't laugh!

  8. Heeft de hond geen pijn.?

  9. I like the fly in the spot light a lot! Besides the spotlight I like the color of the wood and the shadows but the spot light is what really sets it off.

    I know what you mean about seeing people fall. I can't help laughing either and kind of wonder why that is because it sure isn't funny when I fall. Hope your shoulder is just bruised, that you didn't pull any ligaments or whatever all that stuff is that allows movement.

    1. David, It isn't really a light. I just increased the exposure a stop and a bit on the fly.

      I'll be fine...nothing that a pint or two of whisky won't cure.

  10. Windy? Well stop munching baked beans in the camper van then!
    As for your shoulder you'll have to tempt a highland lassie into the back of the van so she can give you a massage. Twenty quid should cover it.

    1. YP, so that's whats caused it.

      I'll advertise on the site notice board....I think twenty is a bit expensive.

  11. It always looks a lot easier on film, doesn't it? (falling over, I mean) Take care. Don't go too far carrying that heavy camera until the shoulder feels better.

    1. Monica, I'm forever falling over the dogs. I'll have to learn to be more careful.

  12. That is my lens of choice most excursions. Sorry you got hurt, Adria. My son suffered an AC separation last week and is still struggling with it. I hope you recover quickly..

    1. Hilary, it seems to be my shoulder blade this morning. I've had worse I'll be fine. All the best to your son.
      It's a good lens.

  13. I was going to suggest you took more water with your liquid refreshment but I see the dogs got the blame :)

    Hope your weather clears and the shoulder heals quickly - Perseids to peak around Monday night, Tuesday Morning. Could be up to 60 per hour in a good year.

    1. John, it's not looking good for star gazing. It would be good if the cloud cleared.

  14. You're ok(ish), the camera is fine and so are the dogs, good result all round. Just next time you take a trip send a postcard:)

    1. Douglas, I'll Tweet. Postcards are old fashioned. I would have to join Twitter.

  15. Sorry about your tumble. Old guys like me really have to be careful about falls. You are making some fantastic photos lately, like the one you have today.

    1. Red, I should be more careful. I'm held together by a wish and a prayer.
      The hit rate is low. I'll get better with time.

  16. So a tube comes that's 36mm long? Well, at least it's less stacking.

    1. Maria, it's not a Canon set. They are a fortune. I got the Dorr set which has 36mm, 20mm and 12mm.

  17. I see, you can stack a lot, but you need good light 'cause they rob some f stops.

    1. Yes you do lose a bit of light. The main problem is that if you over stack then some lenses will be impossible to focus as the focus point is inside the lens.

  18. Camera is always first priority. Dogs can look after themselves if they are daft enough to get in the way. Am I the only person who doesn't find it funny when people fall over? Usually anyway.

    1. Graham, you must be. I dread landing on a dog...the vets charge a fortune these days.
      Don't you enjoy slapstick and the old Ealing comedies?

  19. At first I misread "tumble" for "fumble", and thought: Good for you, A ... happy whiskey hour ... get your tumbler ready, smiles ...

    1. Cheers Cat, There is no whisky hour on a Sunday in Scotland. It's bloody dire up here.

  20. Que foto más chula...me gusta el montaje:))
    Un abrazo

  21. Es otro Flesh Fly. Señora tonto.
