I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Saturday 16 June 2018


I'm just back from a grand afternoon chatting to horsey mummies and taking a few snaps. I am out of practise I took ninety shots and forty are acceptable. As folk that have been out clicking with me will verify I can't accept that digital is free and still tend to shoot as I did with film with the exception that I no longer have to bracket exposure. The light was terrible and variable inside the shed as the heavy clouds rolling over made life difficult to impossible. I settled on ISO 1600 and lens pretty wide at F7.1. I let speed look after itself.
This vaulting malarkey is impressive. The little children do it at a walk and get a leg up. The bigger ones do it at a canter and have to run and jump aboard. Sometimes they do it on their own and sometimes in pairs. They all do it to music and seem to act out the words of the song whilst completing set manoeuvres. Way beyond me so hats off to the competitors.
On to the pictures.
This is Rambo. He is my favourite horse. He can be a tinker but today was on his best behaviour.  He is a big lad at seventeen hands and a bit tall.

These are grown ups. They go fast.
This little chap does his routine at a walk but was really confident and entertaining.

This tiny lass was performing at a canter. Her routine was set to Abba's Super Trooper  here she is "On the phone to Glasgow." I'll not show her interpretation of their line "Feeling like a number one." As it lowers the tone of the post and she is far too young to know the significance of her gesture; I'm thankful that Abba didn't feel like a number two. She is a star and so is Talisker the horse.
Have fun.


  1. I would love to have watched that. The camera coped well in difficult lighting.

    1. John. if you look up British Equestrian Vaulting there should be a club not too far away.

  2. I had no idea that this sort of activity took place outside of a circus environment, Adrian, but for there to be an event is an eye-opener. Well captured!

    1. Richard, there are a couple of dozen or so clubs in the UK and loads around the world.
