I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Thursday 12 March 2020


The video in this post is just me babbling on and a pattern or two.
 It is corrected audio babbling. I just love playing with digital things. I enjoy removing dog noises though this time they were very good. The number of times I've had to re-record a voice over because I said " Hello what's this." are incalculable. This time was a straight forward noise removal, normalise and equalise job in Audacity. Blender can't do that bit but it has a non linear video editor which I have grown to love.

It may not look like it but I am feeling slightly more confident using animation nodes. I decided in my idiocy to investigate Group sub-programming. I was bamboozled so went on line and found a chap who explained it or demonstrated it. He is called BLUEFOX Creations. He is brighter than I am but not by much. Good stuff he does. I tried and tried with some of his node trees and failed. It could well be that animation nodes are a work in progress with only a few developers interested it does take time to sort the unexpected from the intended result. (See McDonalds or the NHS for touch screen problems). This job gets more like Houdini every day. Houdini is aptly named it is very clever but ties me in knots I can't unravel. This idea came from a Cinema4D effect called Step Effector, they are a German software company called Maxon, they are also bloody expensive at US$100/month. It is a very user friendly programme, they are generous and let one have a look for free for a month. They are also competent as they only accept US$s and not Euros.

Anyway the video should be about rendered now, I'll have a quick look. Yes it's done.

Have a good weekend.


  1. One of the spirals looks ideal for constructing an ammonite.
    On the last set of spirals movement sometimes appears jerky but I think that is just a function in the way eyes / brain work. The eyes keep jumping slightly trying to follow everything. If I concentrate hard watching / following a single element as it goes round it appears to move smoothly.

    1. John, it can't be anything but smooth but I have the same problem with spirals. I was using a grid layout but noticed that there were alternatives. I then got distracted by the spiral. If they ever get it running and incorporated into Blender officially it will be a good tool.
