I wish I could fly right up to the sky……………but I can’t* and neither can I have this. I’m thirty years too old and am not a millionaire. What do you think I’ve fallen head over heels in love with…………….Here it is ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..!
Not the thirty thousand pound Super Bike replica……..just a beautifully customised Ducati. I tell you I was all of a dither and twitch with lust and desire.
We were out this morning at six in thick cloud…………the Met office had warned me to beware of heat exhaustion, sun stroke and bubonic plague so I'd covered my head, applied factor fifty sunscreen and wrapped a hanky across my nose and mouth. The epitome of sartorial elegance! I forgot my waterproof over trousers so came back two hours later a touch damp. It’s Sunday so cooked breakfast day, no sooner had I started the sausage than out came the sun. C’est la vie. That’s French for Bugger!
Out again after a good fry up and what did we find?
A Chicken a few weeks old chicken. Bear with me here it gets better……….not a lot but better!

A Golden Plover…………..there are plenty about this year but they are wary birds.

What is this? I know it’s a Veined White but could it possibly be a Black Veined White………..Go on. Give me the benefit of the doubt. I doubt it, as they have been extinct in the UK for ages. It still doesn’t look like the Green veined I’ve seen before.
Back to motor bikes……………..I had endless choice today for summer has arrived. I’ll stick with Harley Davidson a somewhat pedestrian and agricultural means of transport but they do sound wonderful.
A much modified early hard tail.
Similar but converted to have rear suspension……………………WHY?
The Military issue model a new one for me.
Lastly a new one…….I love eccentrics and the owners of these tick all the boxes.
That’s it for today…………..I’m off out to frighten the natives with a spot of sunbathing. Dogs are tired so no problem there.
Molly doing what she does best………Alfie is flat on his back as well.
*Orville was a famous green duck…well a ventriloquist’s doll owned by a bloke called Keith Harris. ………………Google it yourself!…. I know it’s about to rain so I have to go.
Have a grand week.