I’m in a quandary today. As many readers will have gathered I’m all in favour of a minimalist government. I know what we have is not fit for purpose. Towel Heads running round chopping, shooting, blowing folk up they need to be curtailed. That poor French priest had his damn head chopped off and though I can find some mitigating excuses I would have been content with castrating naughty priests.
Frau Mongol let all these buggers into Europe as her native population hadn’t been bonking enough and they are short of willing labour. Now we infidels are suffering. Let’s keep a sense of proportion the Irish attacked heads of state and our establishment, they also accepted collateral casualties but for the most part did give warnings that there would be a big bang in an hour and where. The Islamists don’t bother with that and are difficult to handle, they have no fear of death, they expect to be greeted by dozens of virgin girls in paradise. They are insane; what man in his right mind would want loads of women expressing opinions for eternity and how do you find that many nubile dead virgin girls.
They don’t like pigs, they don’t like us so I suggest that the atomised bits of future idiots are interred with a pig and their victims. Word will get around. Just to reinforce the message the BBC could stop calling them insane and call them murderers.
The good news is that despite Tessa Maybe being in charge or worryingly because she is, Glasco are investing in the UK, Deutsche Borse have asked to be considered as partners in the London Stock Exchange. The latter needs serious consideration but I believe capitalism will find for or against on the merits of profit/risk, not a prerequisite skill for bankers I’ll admit. We have a capitalist society folk that have a skill can and should expect serious remuneration for it. I also believe that sometimes one has to work for nothing and in the good times look after the cripples and otherwise unemployable, not look after air brained talking heads and politicians it’s not something Big Government employees will willing accept.
Doctors are generally less competent than vets. Teachers are less competent than most they teach but will insist it’s a stressful job looking after the norm. If you can’t control a kid then you will have a problem with adults in the real world.
I read the BBC news but don’t watch it as even though I am for the worker I dislike the high salaries paid to the fuckwits and the talking heads they employ. I really detest incompetence, interference and big governance encourages it.
The BBC was only ever an establishment tool to feed establishment ideas to the plebeians. We paid thrice for it, once through taxation, then to buy the machine and we willingly paid for a licence to watch it. A genius was Mr Raith. He got dubbed for it by the Queen.
I have a few snaps, Today, after my graft, I let the hens out, topped up their drinking water, collected one egg from the idle old ladies, took a bit of money and got visitors to sign the book with a nice comment that only reflects the positive attributes of this camp site. Non of that Trip Advisory derogatory shite is allowed here and all that after a late night getting a grain dryer auger to extend or become erect, what a job. Wish I could remember those erection days. Three hundred Arab virgins would be wasted on me.
I went to the shop……………………
Through the wood.
Down to the road.

and a couple of views from the road.

Have fun because I did with these. As a bonus I also have fresh milk, potatoes and veg plus sausages for tea. No porridge tomorrow I have fresh coffee and Pains au Chocolate. I’ll still have coffee, next year and it ought to be cheaper but by gum the pastry rolls with chocolate will be twice the price. I sound like Daft Dithery.
Have fun. Why do government employees look out of the window in the afternoon?
It gives them something to do between lunch, tea and clocking out.