I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Sunday 17 July 2016

A LITTLE ODD. (17/07/16)

This morning I was examining the underside of the leaves on a young Beech Tree when Marley and Cooper arrived with their mum. The dogs ran off on urgent business and she said. “What have you found today?” I showed her the tiny black dot and she said it’s a bit of muck…Oh, it’s moving. I had forgotten my magnifying glass so had to take a picture to show her this tiny 2-3mm long little Weevil. She said you are a little odd but it does look good, it has a trunk like a tiny elephant. Here it is Orchestes fagi._V0G0211


It has been a miserable day, I did find a few more Froghoppers and am amazed how variable they are. I’m assuming these are all Common Froghoppers, Philaenus spumaris. If any are Leafhoppers, Treehoppers or anything other than Philaenus sp. I have a real job on my plate, there are dozens of them.





I am getting better at these. The knack is not to touch the leaf it is sitting on, you can support the plant stem and the flash doesn’t seem to concern the little mites.

I have another project on the go for tomorrow but I’ll have to see if the rain stops.


  1. The photo showing the underside of the insect is exceptional!

  2. Marie, I am always happy when I get a head on shot.

  3. interesting "face" on his back- in that last shot.

    1. Bill, I never noticed but rarely see faces in clouds so am not very observant. I see it now and it is a good face. It took me ages to realise why folk did [:( this on emails. I assumed they had the DTs.

  4. You're getting your eye in now Adrian, excellent shots of the 'hoppers and a nice find with the Weevil...[;o)

    1. Trevor it is amazing how rusty I get. Half the battle is realising what it is that disturbs different creatures. I am still amazed how oblivious most of them are to flash.

  5. From what I can tell it isn't a little odd for Brits to be a little odd. I can say that because I have British ancestry. :)

    1. John, I am told that different is more polite. Special was good at one time but now means thick here. I never qualify insults, it makes me look defensive and then I'm susceptible to a slapping.

  6. Hard to believe something that tiny has so many features. Horizontal rain here today, hope your little friends are staying safe out there.

    1. Pauline, they are worth a closer look. Rain here overnight but it looks to be clearing up nicely now.
