For those that popped by for a look at How Green is my Valley; sorry if your eyes turned brown!The gas plant was apparently installed at the mill solely to provide lighting. Told you it was a dark, dank spot! The second flue was a vent for the gas condenser, not sure about the latter, it makes sense though, keeping any flammable gas away from the oven chimney. Not daft our Victorians, obviously knew a thing or two about explosions.
Today's post is all about bugs.They were taken yesterday, grand sunny morning with little wind forecast, it was pretty breezy as things turned out. Not a Dragon Fly to be found. Took the monopod, camera and the 50mm-200mm lens with a 25mm extension tube. This time the pictures are better, aperture f9 to f11 giving just a touch more depth of field. An old dog can learn new tricks or so these results would seem to prove.
The title is inspired firstly by my ignorance and secondly to make some of this blogs followers feel at home. Whether they actually speak like Sir Paul McCartney is hard to tell from their writing, most likely not. There's nothing less general than a generalisation. Treat this post as a quiz, not your common or garden quiz where the quiz master knows all the answers. Yours truly hasn't a clue what half these things are. I do know that they are beautiful and fascinating and it would make my expeditions several times more enjoyable if I could put a name to them.
SPIDER........It's body is approximately 4mm-5mm long, just under 1/4". He/she is photographed in, presumably, it's natural habitat on a reed stem and about 3" above the water. There was no obvious way ashore short of swimming. Plus.... I love it's eyes. I apologise to any arak..aracknaf..(just knew that wouldn't be in spell checker). I apologise to those frightened of spiders, it's the first and last.
BANDED DAMSEL FLY?..........Maybe? Possibly a female Common Blue.
GREEN JOB.......This was drowning, popped it on the fence post for it's portrait. Put it back at the waterside, it wasn't there half an hour later so I assume either it was someone's breakfast or it had found a corner to hide in.
WATER BOATMAN?...If I'm correct, an upside down water boatman. Why swim upside down? No Dafter than backstroke for humans I suppose.

GATE KEEPER.........I think it's a little early for these also In the past when I've seen them they were on brambles. No brambles anywhere near here.
VARIABLE DAMSELFLY..........I've been calling these Common Blue Damselflies. I have a strong suspicion that they are Variables.Good name that, covers most eventualities.
That's me! Completely bugged!
All help, knowledge, guesses, gratefully received. Happy pondering.