Yesterday was a wash out but by mid afternoon the skies had cleared and out came the BBQ. I used the oven as the wood didn’t burn down in time. Not to worry…..It was a cheerful sight and hot.
This morning was a real beauty….cold crisp and not a cloud in the sky. It didn’t last The cloud rolled in and by three it was spitting with rain.
The postman came with a parcel…………………………..
Isn’t it posh? The Arduino and lots of things they sent with it……coloured things for the most part. It also came with a perspex mounting board to keep the bread board and the microprocessor together. Took me an hour to assemble the wee spacers and the little plastic rivets…..well three out of the four. One shot on the floor and I can’t find it. Still three is enough. At first light I had moved the van so as not to trash the grass. I never noticed but the electric supply had gone off. I noticed when the computer shut down so after checking everything I came to the conclusion that we were having a power cut. That put paid to playing with the new toy.
I went a walk, warm enough for a T Shirt. Then we got waylaid by this wonderful bit of kit.
This log is about three feet in diameter. I don’t know whether it worked. I’ll check tomorrow.
After a quick siesta I realised the power was back on so fired up the laptop and downloaded the drivers and god knows what else for the new machine. The fun then started. I had instructions from the internet…I had instructions in a wee booklet that came with the things..fat lot of help they were. Two hours later I was still dodging between the internet and control panel trying to get some joy out of the Arduino. Eventually I plugged the USB cable into the laptop and then into the Arduino. What difference that made I can’t imagine but bingo. Clever laptop! It knew I’d plugged something in. I was away or would have been if I could remember where I’d popped the downloaded drivers. I hadn’t put them anywhere they were still in Downloads……..I am a complete Muppet at times. It was the execute file I’d popped on the desktop. Just as well because I needed that next.
The computer says yes and the Arduino says yes and all without my resorting to a bigger hammer.
It will keep me amused on wet days. I have lots of bits to play with and if it all goes tits up I can just unplug it and start again. Wonderful is old technology. It is very old it’s named after it’s inventor King Arduin of Iverea. He died in 1015!
What a day…….Have a good weekend. I’m going to need smaller fingers and stronger specs.