I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Wednesday 1 August 2012

CONFUSION (01/08/12)

I am still ploughing through camera and lens specifications……..I just think I’ve decided and then I think again and realise I haven’t.  Well I have and I haven’t, I’m not indecisive it’s just that I can’t make my mind up. I have settled on the camera body a Canon EOS 5D III. It’s full frame by which digital camera producers mean 35mm full frame not full format or even medium format frame. Lenses, I like prime lenses but by hell do they know how to charge for them. Do I need fast lenses when I have up to 102800 ISO at my finger tips? Images on a dull day tend to be grim anyway. Do I need in camera flash? No. I’ve rarely used it and when I have the results are awful. I do like a tilt LCD for macro…..Canon don’t do one….I suspect they do an eyepiece that one can look down through, no matter it will be back to the poncho and the adoption of a somnambulant posture for macros. I can live with that. I can sort two lenses for macro and landscape but the telephoto is the problem……..the main problem being that I can’t afford one. Five thousand pounds  is about middle range……..I now appreciate why nine tenths of the birders I meet are bad tempered and anally retentive. They are hungry and cold, they have no money left for food and clothes, well they have clothes if military surplus is considered clothing. Enough of this blather, I’m in no rush and if I could be bothered to do the lottery I possibly even have time to win it.

I was going into town yesterday but was struck by lethargy………

crjul1   I had a stroll along the Tees and very pleasant it was. Twenty exposures went into this, HDR is Photomatix and stitching is Photoshop Elements, post stitch fiddling about is also Elements.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA      Another showery day but blue skies in between the rain.

P8012723_4_5_6_7_tonemapped_edited-1    The bus conveying me into town this morning.

P8012733_4_5_6_7_tonemapped_edited-1   This is the back of a pub. I took it for reference as I like the textures here and one day will have a wander back.

P8012743_4_5_6_7_tonemapped_edited-1  Flowers in the market hall.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   and flowers outside……….a veritable extravaganza of hanging baskets, very impressive.

Tomorrow is MOT day…………..keep your fingers and toes crossed for the van.


  1. Firstly fingers and toes crossed as per request.

    Secondly I'm not sure how anyone who manages one photo out of 20 with all that involves can say that he has been struck by lethargy.

    Thirdly: You really sure that bus pic isn't pinched? It looks like the one I used to prove that I'd once been on one too.

    Fourthly: Now I know why I'm a pleb who uses a bridge camera having ditched all my big stuff when the digital age came.

    1. Graham
      (2)..I can do them half asleep as the haloing illustrates.
      (3)..positive...I pressed the button myself...five times!
      (4)..I still use a DSLR but sold the lenses. One day I will be paid thousands of guineas for an A2 print...In my dreams! A Canon is going to take some driving.

  2. Wow I like that "flowertree". Good luck with the MOT test.

    1. It is a bit posh for this end of the country.

  3. Some cracking pictures there Adrian, especially the indoor market.

    Cameras are dam expensive these days, and the lenses that go with them.
    5D III is a nice bit of kit, and I'm sure it will serve you well.

    Good luck with the MOT.

    1. They get dearer, I suspect that the digital camera world is reaching maturity and so prices will tumble. Lenses won't they can always be improved. I have looked and will keep looking but prime teles are daft money.....I could get a new camper for a top end one. I suspect they sell very few and give most of them away to the pro snappers. It keeps their name up and stops we numpties getting the same results. Ten or eleven grand and you get four stop IS and it knows whether one is panning vertically or horizontally. If, like me you pop it on a tripod it auto switches IS off. Amazing!

  4. That's the trouble. There is too much choice in the camera department and most of it is too expensive! I'm still hankering after the new Oly OM-D EM-5. It does have a view finder by the way and a good size tilting LCD screen. But yes, it's expensive which is why I'm having to sell camera equipment in order to buy it!
    I like your pictures especially the back of the pub one - it's very English somehow!

    1. Annie.........I have decided to ditch Olympus. the SLR's are way behind. Lenses are hard to get and expensive. I have never been disappointed by Zuiko glass though. The tilting LCD is a real gem. I had an E-5.......was okay but I preferred the E-3 and still use one.

    2. I have just looked it up read the reviews and I want one. Go for it. It's not the OM1 I loved but it looks like it.

  5. The reflection shots and superb and I love the hanging baskets! Cheers, Ruby

  6. I thought it was only me that was daft enough to photograph the buses I rode.

  7. Great pics Adrian, the first and last most impressive. Good luck with the MOT (fingers/toes crossed).

  8. love the story you are telling us with your photos

    welcome back dear Adrian!!! Nice to see you

  9. Hi Adrian...You are always a chuckle for me ; }!!
    Love the photo in the market...and a well feed and kept up tree of planters : }!!
    Good luck with all your issues!!

  10. Cracking shots Adrian especially the flower market.

    An excellent choice of new camera, you're sure to have some fun getting to grips with it...good luck!

    And fingers crossed for the MOT

    1. I can see my vocabulary expanding whilst getting to grips with it. The only thing it lacks is a tilt LCD and auto focus in video. It is going to be a steep learning curve.

  11. That flowertree is pretty cool! I was laughing at the process of picking a lens for the camera. They are super expensive when it comes time to purchase. I am eyeing one up that costs about as much as our house:) but after all is said and done, it's lots of fun:) Have fun and good luck!

  12. Hi Adrian, have you thought of getting a 300 or 400mm lens and the getting a doubler to put in between. Saves you a little money and is still a long lens when both are used. Just a thought. I have one and I love it.

    1. Horst, yes that is the way I'm thinking. Canon do a lens at 400mm which is not too heavy and the loss of light through an extender can be tolerated.

  13. canon do a tilt lens on the eos 600d which I use for taking macro at low level because of my back problems,
    i find that the 600 is not much difference to the 7d the latter is much heavier especially when its around the neck on long walks.its also twice the price. The 100x400 is good lens for long distance shots with a 1.4 extender . that too is quite heavy.
    birding yes but no good for shots of the markets.

    1. The 7D and 5D are much heavier and yes they will cause neck pain. They need slinging from a harness. Zoom teles are a waste for me as I only ever seem to use them at the long focal lengths.

  14. The camera talk leaves me out! You can really work wonders with the equipment you have ant that's why I follow your blog.

    1. It's a very basic set up. Oly E-3 with a 25mm lens.

  15. Lovely flowers and a Canon EOS 5D III, well.
