I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Thursday 9 August 2012

FIELDS OF GOLD. (09/08/12)

 Call me an old softy but I was reminded of some wonderfully romantic times many winters ago when I walked alongside this field today. I am not sure it is barley it could be wheat....it isn't oats they droop down...I know my oats but obviously not well enough as the love of my life lasted a month before she departed for pastures new.....I went back to sea.
 How did a walk in the Lake District over Great Gable in winter remind me of  Fields of Gold? Easy! Over a pint or five at Wasdale Head a young lady sung it unaccompanied and wonderfully. It was written by Sting. Unfortunately he couldn't match his superb composition with an equally good rendition...He makes it sound like a dirge.....If you would like to hear a good version Google Eva Cassidy...she is almost as good as the lass at Wasdale Head.Perchance it was Eva...........I have had a little weep and wept some more, now I'll show you the piccy........................................
Field of gold.
It is a cereal but more than likely not barley.....I only know wheat from Weetabix...my summer choice of breakfast.
On we wandered........
The dogs sniffing away....it takes them a while....I need a while to catch up.
I stopped to hoverfly, today I used the Oly E-3 and a 25mm lens.
This is a White Lipped Snail parked up on a fence post, we have Green Lipped Snails here as well, both are very variable in colour and marking so one has to investigate their lips.......difficult you might think without stomping on them.....not at all. The white and green refers to the lip of the shell. Took me a while and several snails to work that one out.
I got distracted by an invertibrate...Don't panic. I'm back
This is a hoverfly Volucella bombylans.....it looks like a bee it feeds like a bee but it doesn't buzz like a bee...it's a hover fly. Only two wings you see. Buzzing is caused by two pairs of wings.
Not good pictures but the first I have of one so I'm as happy as a dog with two tails. They are feeding on thistles.
Not for much longer the thistles are turning to seed....Thistle Down.Is what it is called.

Last night I was spitting feathers...Dithery Dave has had it easy. Our athletes have done us proud.....done him proud....kept the pressure off.
 He, in all fairness, doesn't claim any credit. He's only been in the job a couple of years and even a tubby egocentric like hooray Dithery would be stretching credibility by claiming any kudos from their efforts...........Enter Mervin King.........he spoilt the party.
 Why Dithery hasn't suggested pastures new to him is a mystery. Maybe not....the old saying 'Better to have the enemy in the tent pissing out than outside pissing in'.

 He forecast zero growth for two years. This was argued at length by a Conservative nonentity, who's only argument was, that if Labour had been in, National Debt would have risen by two hundred billion.........Great reasoning, how does she know what history would have been but she was an adam ant! 
The poor benefit from debt. I enjoy and revel in it.
Dithery, taking advice from George Osborne, a bloke who would have trouble finding his bum without wing mirrors, has printed three hundred and fifty billion pounds worth of paper money....this is serious, not for bankers ( saves them) but for the poor. I must clarify things a bit ( No Chance). Anyone who is worth less than a few million in liquid capital will struggle in years to come. They may have to die early. Care for the aged is not a priority. Politicians backhanders and bankers bonuses are what keep the parties rolling in the home counties.
 We may even have to try to invade Australia and India to pay for our profligacy. Forget the latter they kicked us out last time. I attempt to learn from history. I'm learning from the Olympics! Aussies done zilch we has done good. What's with me and the we....Sod all effort I put in.
Difficult to manage an invasion as we are now incapable of running our own country securely. Thatcher would not have hesitated but then she was a witch and like all our leaders since Churchill had never been to war. Neither have I but I will suffer bravely whilst folk die on my behalf. What goes around comes around. America must be wetting themselves they have printed dollars for decades. 

La vie continue.  It is French mais une expression française c'ne pas but I just wanted to sound like a bit posh. Iz ates been daft.......Life goes on. Save you working through my appalling French.

Have a laugh and listen to Fields of Gold.


  1. It's always wheat fields that I think of when I hear Fields of Gold. And you're right, despite having written it, Stink doesn't come close to Eva Cassidy's beauty in singing it. She was a wonderful artist who died much too young.

    Your photos, as always are lovely.

    1. She did...she had the voice of an angel.

  2. Nice piccy to show the difference between the grain crops, for NZ but should still help.


    I think the helpful saying I was given some years ago, referring to their 'whiskers' goes:
    On barley they are bold
    wheat is weak and wispy
    oats have nowt.

    1. Thanks for that John...I'll not get muddled up again.

  3. The grain photos are definitely of Wheat. Barley has a long beard.

    1. Thanks Horst....among the fields of wheat doesn't scan as well though.

  4. I think, that is a wheat field, but to be sure, ask the farmer. The last item, wasn't it good to have many friends, hee heee.

  5. I think, that is a wheat field, but to be sure, ask the farmer. The last item, wasn't it good to have many friends, hee heee.

    1. Bob, it is wheat....I am a Norman no mates....Little wonder.

  6. Incredible! Field of gold. Extraordinary photos...especially the 2nd. There is something very romantic about those shots. I especially love the song by Eva Cassidy. While Sting did an okay job of it, Eva made me cry as you stated. But it made me even sadder to discover that she had passed away which made the song even more special. There is a live song that was released and it gives me goosebumps everytime I hear it.

    1. Yes it always seems to be the best folk that die before their time.

  7. You cover a lot of territory. the grain is wheat and I'm surprised to see that it's ripe. Ours won't be ripe for 2 or 3 weeks.
    some good fly shots.
    I couldn't agree more with you on your political view.
    Nice walk!

    1. Not quite ripe yet but another week of sunshine and it will be....I boosted colour.

  8. Beautiful to see those fields of gold swaying in the breeze. I like the hover fly and the thistles are a lovely colour. Hope you have a good week.

    1. Thanks....I have seen these flies many times but they flit about a lot so I have trouble snapping them.

  9. Eva Cassidy was deserving of your and every other tribute ever paid to her (in my opinion). The rest of the reading amused me, saddened me and eventually sent me looking for my Living Will and the suicide tablets. I liked the field of gold but I'm not sure that the horizon was straight and knowing your pernicketiness on this topic I was a bit worried that standards were slipping.

    1. I like to provoke a reaction but I'm sorry to have upset you.
      The horizon is not straight.....near enough is not good enough.

  10. Love the fields of gold and the other pictures. I don't know who Dithery Dave is!!!;))) Cheers, Ruby

    1. Dithery is David Cameron.....My Leader and quite possibly the worst unelected leader I have experienced. How his wife got pregnant without a third party is a mystery to me.
