I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Friday 25 February 2022


 Look at this.

From squiggles to individual points or in this case cubes. The cube can be swapped for a seed, petal or leaf.

It has a bit of a curve on the 'Z' axis all controllable. These are a bit far apart but that can be solved.

I just have to alter the scale factor but it also scales on 'Z' no worries. I can just adjust the fall off.

Now I've got this far it is easily adjustable. I like the new system, once I got into it separating the vector stream from the attributes it makes life much better. Thanks Blender.

Here is the node tree for any that fancy a go.

Not too bad as these things go. The colour ramp needs setting to either ease or B-Spline and it also requires the math multiply node in front as colour ramps are clamped. That had me baffled for a good while. There is probably a more elegant way of doing this but it works and is easily animated with key frames on the Count in the first node.
Now this has taken about six hours but were I to do it again it's a thirty minute job. It's all my cuckoos that waste time.

Now it's back to bed for me as I have to go out later, assuming I can get out.

Have the BBC reported Putin bombing hospitals or baby milk factories yet? It's usually their first lie in squabbles like this.


  1. They keep showing the same footage over and over to make it look like a whole town has blown up or dig out a bit of old footage from a different war in a different country to claim the use of chemical weaponry, oh, and some traffic jams. Kiev always has traffic jams as does Moscow but then they could always use that footage.

    1. I've not seen any of it but have seen them performing before. I would have thought that with all the artists they employ that they would have the decency to pop some CGI over the footage. I suppose they assume that few folk with critical thinking capability bother watching and the thickos will believe any old shite.

    2. PS. Even I am good enough at CGI to fool your cats. Doesn't say much for the intelligence of the BBC audience. Such is life.

    3. I only saw some of it on Aljazeera but they're getting like the BBC now and it was all repeat footage.

  2. I love it! And thank you very much for solving the problem over at my latest blogpost. I have credited you in a P.S.

  3. The 3D shape look good. The flow chart looks devilish complicated.

    1. I bit the bullet with shader nodes a few years ago and the had a dabble with Houdini. It's not too bad if you consider each node as a receptical that holds the last calculation. It takes me ages to do but I do copy some bits. I use Shader nodes very quickly now and this will get easier. I'm about to start modelling the leaf. Parametric modelling is all the rage or so I'm told. Most software seems to be heading in the Node direction.
