I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Tuesday 14 December 2010

LOCKED OUT (14/12/10)

The Priory is less than a hundred yards from the camper. Rain, cold nasty rain has been falling with intermittent gaps. These have tempted me out on three occasions. On three occasions I've got wet. English heritage have locked the Priory up in case I was to slip on the snow. The world gets dafter, I could have slipped on my way to enquire after the key. Would have done without my strap on spikey feet.

Had a walk round the perimeter fence and will have to pop back sometime to get at it properly.


PC140120_1_2_3_4_tonemapped_edited-1  These images are five stop blended images shot of the southernish aspect through a sky lens. I use this expression as it more befits my age and mood it originates from sometime in the eighteenth century. It’s the original name for a fisheye lens. These will enlarge as all my images should these days. Looks sunny and almost was for five minutes.






OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     All the above excepting the last are exposure blended and tone mapped. in other words I’m back into HDR processing.

A somewhat depressing day. These are the best I could do without access.

Tomorrow we are away to the Lake District and I will come back here when the weather is better.

See you tomorrow from the sunny North West.



  1. These really are excellent Adrian. That new lens is giving great results in your hands.
    That second one is superb.

    This health an safety nonsense is getting ridiculous. I don't know how I survived to be this age without it when I was a kid.
    I mean, I used to climb trees and walls, and play outside in the rain without a coat!

  2. That's such a shame, H&S nonsense. I can tell the rebel in you decided on the fish eye to spite them. You should have told them that you're a famous blogger.... and it's a bit of free advertising for people all over the world..... works everytime for me !! ha ha

  3. Health & Safety - Just an insidious excuse for the erosion of personal freedom.

    Good images in spite of the H&S.

  4. I like the first image..a true fish eye shot.
    Have a good trip.

  5. I'm stunned. The comment box has come up. I am so overwhelmed I can't think what to say. You have no idea how often I come here and read what you say and look at what you have to show but the comment box won't appear.

    I used all my photo space at Pictures Just Pictures and have re-started at Message in a Milk Bottle.


    It looks different but is otherwise the same - a photo a day.

    Well, I'm not sure if this is a once off or if I'll be able to comment ever again! (Indeed, I don't yet know what will happen when I press the publish button!)

    In case it's a once-off . . . Have a very happy Christmas Adrian and good fortune in your travels.


  6. Sorry for the delay in replying...........
    Keith, it's new to me anyway. Amazing how lenses have come on. They are a pain closing places. You have to walk to get to them anyway.

    Jay, I like fisheye lenses but suspect this is really just an extreme wide angle. Nikon I believe do a zoom version. If you look there is very little distortion across the 'x' and 'y' axis. The country gets dafter.

    Trevor, the only real limit on my freedom is the nasty spikey fence. The thought of getting two dogs over and myself was enough deterrent.

    Bob it is. Should be the price they are.

    Trevor it's only the last couple of years I've seen these lenses. They give 180 degrees on the diagonal but full frame coverage. Bit slick.

    Lucy, you are the first to mention comment problems......no worries have found your new site. You have a good Christmas too.

  7. I'm with the other commenters on the subject of the crazy attitude to dangers. BUT unfortunately we, the public, are to blame. After the stupendous success of the American public in suing for any and everything on the grounds that no individual can take responsibility when there is a Government to take the blame (or anyone else as in the case of the woman who successfully sued the microwave company because she cooked her chihuahua and the company had not labeled the microwave oven as unsuitable for drying wet pets) the Great British Public followed suit. So no public body dares do anything which might get it or its political masters into the press because it had committed the sin of allowing a member of the public to take responsibility for his or her own actions.

  8. Graham, I have heard this argument and it really doesn't make too much sense.......The fence around this ruin is constructed of spiked railings. Very dangerous especially for one leaning over them in icy weather..........Keep health and safety for the work place and pass legislation to outlaw it from leisure pursuits. No way! There is an industry that has built up around risk assessment and evaluation.

    The photos are okay considering how little light there was.

  9. And I thought that I was cynical!

  10. Graham, I bet there is also an Elf and Safety Minister lurking somewhere in Whitehall. There is definitely an Minister of Elves. Not very popular here at the moment so I hope he doesn't get poorly.

  11. The lighting condition really did suit the subject. You lens give similar results to a semi-fisheye I had many moons ago though yours gives far sharper pictures.
    It's amazing just how much of some of those ancient buildings is still standing. A real tribute to how well things can be constructed by people who know from experience what works and without the 'guidance' of a planning committee.

  12. John.........It is sharp, very pleased I fell upon it........Not something I would spend £1k on but fine at half that.
    They are in good condition. Much of the damage is I suspect caused by folk pinching the stone for barns and such like.
