I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Saturday 6 November 2010

A BEVY OF BIRDS (06/11/10)

It is a perfect day here at Greta Bridge. We are surrounded by three or four ponds the largest being a small lake. Yesterday whilst out walking we saw a Desert of Lapwing. I love watching their aerial acrobatics so off we set this morning to watch and hopefully photograph them again. It is not easy here as there is very little cover so the little beggers can see you coming for miles.


These were here yesterday but no sign of them this morning. I hope after all this these are Lapwing. My ornithological outings tend to be something of a mystery tour.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     This is not a bird at all but a Llama, or it could be an Alpaca. My ignorance is not confined to birds but happily covers several disciplines.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         This isn’t a bird either but a Donkey. I include it because it was friendly and also because it was the other side of a chain link fence and I wanted to play with Adobe’s content aware feature in Elements 9. It’s done a pretty good job.

Back to the chaos which always accompanies my birding expeditions.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         A small Commotion of Coots, there is another one somewhere about.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA                I had this tagged as a Starling but now have doubts and am going to suggest it’s a Something Else

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA                This is a Wren, it will take some spotting. The little devil kept hopping round the back of the tree. I’ve six or seven frames of a rather dull bit of tree.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     A Plump of Grey Lag Geese. A pity they haven’t got a hide here. Maybe they will build one as they are promoting these wetlands.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    Another mystery, I was going to hazard a guess at Sparrow but again I have doubts as I have with the next one.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     Though they are small and brownish they can’t all be Sparrows……….Unfortunately!

And now we come to the climax of this post. I had just about given up and was about to wander home when I thought I heard more geese. No much better than that.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     A Bevy of Whooper Swans. The first I have ever seen so an excuse for minor celebration.

As usual any help with identification will be gratefully received. All pictures should enlarge. Tomorrow we are off to have a look at a ruined Abbey. Monday they are forecasting gales and the worst rain in history. So make the most of the weekend.



  1. That seems to have been a fruitful outing Adrian. I've tried to match your 'sparrows' with the pics in the Collins guide but failed. The white line from the beak has me fooled. We will have to wait for someone like Keith to put us out of our misery. My pure guess - a female Reed Bunting.

  2. John,they are a trial. a lovely bird to watch is the Reed Bunting. These birds were a mile apart and an hour in time but I suspect two different species. The swans were magical for me. First time I've heard a swan do anything but hiss!

  3. Nice series of whatever-they-are... ;) I liked your comment "My ignorance is not confined to birds but happily covers several disciplines." Useful... (LOL)

  4. What a great post Adrian; that looks a great spot to visit.
    Ok, going through the pictures:
    Lapwing, spot on.
    Next I'm sure is a Llama, the Alpacas have a shorter face/nose.
    Love the composition of the donkey.
    Coots, yea; and a Starling. You were right there.
    Wrens are a nightmare to capture.....you got the Greylag,
    Next two are indeed Reed Buntings; nice find, and finally, well worth a celebration, the Whoopers. There'd be a few birders like to see those.
    Excellent day. :)

  5. Dawntreader, many thanks though it does help one to appreciate an outing if one knows what you are looking at.

    Keith, Many, many thanks. It is a good place to be but being a quarter of a mile from the pond is a problem......Not for the birds of course! The swans are grand I'll see if I can get closer tomorrow. Thanks again for all your help.

  6. Good for Keith, he has done it. Beautiful pictures, but, I love the donkey, it is well treated by the looks.

  7. A very fruitful day, Adrian. Love your 'not sparrow' images. I think I am going to enjoy this location and seeing more of your birds as we don't have so many of them.

  8. Great sport again Adrian. Hope you get a nice close-up of the Whooper Swans tomorrow.

  9. Bob, thanks, the donkey is one of three and shares a paddock with three Llamas and a Shetland pony. They are all well looked after. Even the pony doesn't bite and kick on sight unlike most of that ilk.

    Pauline, birding is nigh on impossible with two dogs, was a trial with one. I will try and get closer this morning. The lake has cattle grazing around it on one side and sheep on the other. So poses an additional conundrum. How does one remain inconspicuous whilst the dogs are being pursued by forty young beasts?

    Trevor they were a gift from heaven, literally! I'll see if they are there when it gets light. Maybe they were passing through.

  10. Emma Thank you, pity I didn't know what they were. There are dozens of them here. No Robin or Chaffinch though. Always a good back stop are those two.
