I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Thursday 26 November 2009

WELL HERE WE ARE (26/11/09)


image  We left Falmouth just after first light and a beautiful journey we had, a lovely sunny winters day. Nobody tooted at us and I tooted at no one. Tried to get into first Asda then Tesco with the same result, cars scattered everywhere so no room to park. In Tesco car park the meter man was very helpful. He did his best to persuade a fossil in a Nissan Micra to pull forward a couple of spaces, to no avail, by the time he had completed the manoeuvre I could see the shop being shut. They don't close till Sunday night....But! We will survive, there are a couple of convenience stores down the road so will shop on the way out at Tesco, £00.05p/ litre off diesel. Well worth having on a hundred litres!

This site is very smart, not at all what we are used to. We are here till Monday assuming we don't get thrown out prior to that. No real pictures today, as we set off for a look around and the heavens opened. 'Well!' I said to Molly. 'That's a bit of a set back.' Posh site you see, it affects how I express myself.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAVery exclusive.....Has street lamps and tarmac.

 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  St. Blazey.......The wee stick on the headland to the left is the day mark for ships entering, or trying to find Fowey.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Par....I hope! Loads of power lines but well, an hours job to rid them, so I'm sorry. Will have a wander down that way tomorrow morning.

Why do I swap skies? You may well ask!!...............

 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   BEFORE.................And..................

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   AFTER............Subtle...That's me!

Let's hope for a descent day tomorrow for us all, I suspect for our transatlantic cousins it will be anything but. Have a great Thanksgiving, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!

The first image should open on a new page twice as big, if it doesn't then the only way I know is to upload to Flickr first then paste in that sites URL. No way it takes for ever.


  1. TMW..A sky swap for you.
    Gwentman, can't help unless you go the Flickr route..Sorry.

  2. Quite agree with you on Port said . problem is it rains there and thats no good for my arthritis. so I am stuck with these %$*^
    people in Luxor I may try Aswan Next Year.
    I would also like to move to EL Qusir on the red sea. but thats too far out for My wife to visit she comes over to get a break from her mum and dad. who seemed to be getting more senile day by day. they miraculously recovered after they moved in to my home in mid wales 6 years ago. now they need constant attention both are almost 90 now.
    not that we are getting younger not long before our kids are gona have to look after us . its a vicious circle. and must make the best of what we have. you are doing the right thing with your tour sounds like you been to a few countries but never seen whats in our own. all I know in the uk is north wales.almost every crook and cranny. been here 7 years and the only place I have not seen is Siwa and lake Qarun but that will be remedied in the new year. then what? enjoy your time with molly and blogging.
    Just because you find a park with tarmack does not mean its posh the price makes it posh so they do not get the travelers in getting stuck in the mud. pps had to edit comment the password is balloks wonder where the get them from.

  3. I have been there, um, I don't think!!!!!! The sea pictures that you took are truly brilliant.

  4. I'll second that one Bob Crap is the adjective you were looking for!!

  5. I'm so glad you post the maps, so I know where we are each time you move. St Blazey looks a pretty spot! I don't usually like adulterated photos but I do like that last one of the sea.

  6. Pauline, thanks. Serve a dual purpose the maps. When I forget who I am never mind where I am I can always e-mail for advice.

  7. Love, love, love the sky swap. It reminds me of playing piano. How the black keys always sound more mysterious than the white ones... ha!

  8. TMW, glad you liked it was you who requested the before and after.
