I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Monday 12 December 2011


It’s not a bad day, damp cool and showery. I didn’t post yesterday, to be honest it was really vile, I had a visitor and I had nothing to post. I have nothing to post today but I am not going to let it stop me.

I was awake long before dawn and fired up the machine. Now I know I shouldn’t but I really enjoy anthropomorphism. I recognise that in some circles it’s regarded as not big and not clever. If you go here to DANIEL’S VIEW you will be converted. If you use Google Chrome you can have a peek incognito. It is brilliant. There nailed my colours to the mast. Thanks Daniel.

We were out as dawn was dawning.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA I could have enlarged the moon but this is real. The view up Wensleydale. It’s not always as wet as this or so folk tell me.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  A reflection, you haven’t see Haylands Bridge from this side before. I can hear you now Wowing away! That’s Molly who once again gets her piccy taken.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Back to the van and breakfast.

After that laundry and a damp wander into town for food. It’s been a busy day. I’ve emptied the grey and black tanks, filled up with fresh water swapped the propane bottle, washed the lino. Even had a shower myself. The job and Adrian are sparkling bright.

Visitors welcome! The truck is clean as a new pin, I’m middlin sparklin.

Now what are these……………………?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI see these balls of sticks all the time. Usually in silver birch less commonly in poplar. Not all have them but they are not a rare sight. Help please!

All the best and enjoy your week. We are here till Thursday. Then away to meet up with the anti Christmas brigade for the weekend. After that it’s a couple of days in Derbyshire then back to Ravenglass for a non festive season.

_C129907_-copy_tonemapped_edited-1   For John at MIDMARSH JOTTINGS. Is this better Sir? You can take the Sirs out of school but one cannot take the school out of Sirs. On a more serious note I do appreciate being told images are crap. Not sure this was rescueable but can I have a star for effort and another for good intentions. Please.


  1. I like that reflection shot. Some impressionist ought to paint it.

  2. 2 & 3 have a touch of the Turner's today, but not as fuzzy as his.

  3. JoLynne, It has blown highlights. I hung around and was shooting a stop and a half under. Such is life.

    John, I should hope they aren't. I 'ave a rag in my pocket to wipe crud of the lens. It's wringing wet. I can do fuzzy no problem on the computer. May just do one now and tack it on the end of this post. As a request. Like radio DJs do.

  4. Lovely pictures Adrian. The balls of sticks in the birches are 'witches' brooms' usually caused by a fungus called Taphrina betulina http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witch's_broom
    I read somewhere that the distorted grain of the wood inside them made the cores highly prized by wood turners for making small bowls...

  5. Phil, many thanks.I'll read all about it. Birch attract fungi, poor birch but they make up for it by their ability to reproduce.
    Even I, dumb cluck that I am, questioned my previous informant. She said they were birds nests....Daft Bat! I'll tell her now.

  6. I watched the video, and very funny it was too.
    Anti Christmas brigade sounds good fun. I'll be glad when it's all over.

  7. Keith, it is brilliant the video. I love the Geordie accent of the seal.
    Don't know where but I suspect Tan Hill. Load of bloody anarchists, I say load there are four, can't make their minds up. I'll let you know and you can pop up. We anarchists can be annoying on our own. It could be Bolton Abbey or it could be somewhere else. The beauty and the annoyance of freedom.

  8. Bob, they are not good today but thanks.

  9. Haven't seen anything like that on the birch that grow here.
    That video was awesome, had a great laugh.

  10. Love those purple orange skies and reflections in the water.

  11. I knew the witches' knickers, today i am discovering the witches' brooms!!:) I would have said mistletoe but of course you would have known!
    Anyway, good to learn, and yes I prefer the second version of that bridge! Hope it's not too windy on your side of the empire otherwise we might expect some aerial shots! :)

  12. Your photos are just stunning, Adrian. The video on Daniel's blog is a favourite.. as is Daniel's blog.. and your own.

  13. I love reading about your adventures, even lack of them. And your wonderful images always inspire.

  14. HI Adrian... OH how I do love thee....lol ....you always make me shake my head and smile at your rants, humor,reality seriousness ...you missed your calling somewhere,but I am not sure what that would be...lol!!
    I could have told your that those where witches brooms...they also grow on other trees...like there are two huge ones in a balsam fir tree I can see from my back porch...I do know some things ; }
    Great photo's from the backside of the bridge and sun shot!!
    The video cracked me total up ...just the best!!
    You probably in la~la~land at this time!!

  15. All your shots today look moody, sort of brooding. Maybe I'm over imaginative. Thanks for the link to the video, cracked me up!

  16. I love the first and the last image. As always perfect!!

  17. Last one in the series is lovely even with its soft muted colours and later day light. It has a unique charm.

  18. Horst, They are common enough here.

    Gillian, thanks.

    DeeBee, mistletoe isn't as common here as it seems to be in France. It is vile is this weather.

    Hilary, the video brightened my day.

    Laura, many thanks.

    Grace, I think I should have been a Vicar....A naughty Vicar.

    Pauline, It's dull wet and nasty cold. I liked that video.

    Ruby, Many Thanks.

    Daniel, it needed reworking.
