I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Friday 16 December 2011

LIGHT! WHAT LIGHT? (16/12/11)

I know I will have to reshoot today. I was going to pay………….don’t all faint…….and enter Chatsworth House. Sanity prevailed but mainly because the place was heaving with folk, mostly, looking at the coaches, those of a certain age. My age and older. They can be entertaining………….if one finds remarks like….”I wouldn’t give that house room”. “What we doin ere?”. Entertainment.

I’ve had the devils own job with the light. It keeps snowing but it isn’t settling. I walked up through Stand Wood behind the house to look at the Stand or the Hunting Tower. It’s a real bugger to snap as it’s in a wood.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA              It stands does the Stand on the escarpment four hundred feet above the main house. It was built in 1582 by Robert Smythson.

Forty odd years ago I used to come courting here. The lass used to straddle the canon. No wonder that romance didn’t last, she, in retrospect, suffered from penis envy.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA             I can’t understand why…………I don’t recognise the slightest similarity to mine or have any affinity with them. Happen she joined the circus and became a human canon ball.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA          There are three of them, emplacements for five, a bit odd. All have different numbers cast into them and the government arrow. I suspect it started as a guide for the gun aimers or appeasement to the archers they displaced.

These came from a ship that fought at the battle of Trafalgar. It may be true or it may not……………I believed everything I was told when I was a teenager. I still want to be gullible but find romanticism so much harder these days.

I took the steps up the four hundred feet…………….I’m no spring chicken and felt the pain. Had to stop for a rest and a cigarette. Shattering it was.  So I decided to use the road for our descent. On the way down we passed this.

_C169976_77_78_79_80_tonemapped_edited-1      This broken aqueduct was commissioned by the sixth Duke of Devonshire. Yes I said Devonshire……not Derbyshire…….confusing our little country can be. It is a follie, inspired by the Germans and built by Joseph Paxton in 1839 in the Roman style of aqueducts. It’s what they did with spare cash…….much like us and garden centres. I love this and what the current duke is doing. Got the place and given it a real seeing to.

_C169981_2_3_4_5_tonemapped_edited-1    A look down it.

_C160007_08_09_10_11_tonemapped_edited-1A look up it.

All images today have had a real seeing to.

The lady is still indisposed, she is insisting it’s man flu. She will pose before Christmas.

Have a grand weekend.


  1. Your photos are still good despite the light and a little help from our friend photoshop! But it works very well, and again you show us a lot of places I don't know or even have not heard from (I am not being rude...)
    Hope the light will improve over the week end!
    Keep well Adrian.

  2. Very interesting post Adrian, I've only been there once and didn't see any of that, it must be hidden away at the back of the estate somewhere?

    Unfortunately my lasting memory is of the argument I had with a jobs worth security guard who wouldn't let me take my camera into the house!!

    Better luck with the light tomorrow!..and have a good weekend...[;o)

  3. lovely shots... the last one resembles a painting...
    When I look at your photos, I think, "Why is Adrian so hard on himself?"

  4. Your photos, as always, are very enjoyable. Much like your funny remarks.

  5. An excellent tour of the estate Adrian.
    What a wonderful building that Hunting Tower is. The days when builders were proper builders.
    And the follie is OTT at its best. Grand, with a big 'G'.
    Excellent photography as always too.

  6. Is that the feed to the lovely cascade at Chatsworth Adrian... it's a lovely place to visit.. Thanks for the info on the Hunting Tower (the history and images not your exploits)
    Have a good weekend..

  7. I've never been up to the hunting tower. That'll be a next time job - if there ever is a next time.

  8. HI Adrian...These are some very interesting shots ..I certainly will never get to see these places any other way, but through your camera len!!
    These are lovely, you are to hard on yourself!!
    I love that water tumbling down..nice one!!
    Enjoy your weekend

  9. I was a fascinated by the idea of a hunting tower and googled it. Found that very one. You didn't book it for a holiday? Of course not, life is a holiday, isn't it?
    Got to admit you chose an interesting courting spot. Think the lady may have been more receptive if you took her to the viaduct.

  10. Nice snapping, I like the waterfall, well, I can call it that.

  11. I am so amazed that there is still water coming down that broken down aqueduct. Love your photos, Adrian.

  12. DeeBee, A great deal of help from both Photoshop and Photomatix. Sunday is the day I think.

    Trevor, Yes all hiding in the woods behind the house. I won't pay to go in unless I can take the camera. I'll compromise and leave the dogs.

    Norma, I compare myself with the masters. I have such a long way to go.

    Hilary, Glad you enjoyed the trip round the woods.

    Keith, it puts B&Q and their water features into perspective.

    Andrew, yes it feeds the cascade. They have cleared a lot of trees so one has a view down the cascade.

    Graham, I would use the road. Those steps have got steeper. I used to run up them. There are lots of bits of interest lurking in these woods.

    Grace, I could do with much better weather. I'll try for another go.

    Pauline, Outside my price range I suspect. Yes one long holiday......Great!
    We went to the viaduct as well. We went out for a year or more. Last I heard she was out your way. Papua New Guinea Perhaps she got eaten!

    Bob, thanks yes, you can call it what you like.

    Horst, it was renovated about twenty years ago. It does leak a bit.

  13. I love the aqueduct picture. the view must have been lovely - beautiful greenery! :)

  14. Ruby, It wasn't a good day but the best for a while.
