I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Tuesday 13 December 2011


I just know I’m going to regret this. Tomorrows weather is forecast to be worse than todays. I have over trousers and jackets hanging all over the camper.  Not to mention two wet dogs trying to hog the heat.

I was listening to the expert analysisers on radio four. Still banging on about Dithery Dave and how what he has upset our European brethren. From what I could gather; the rest of Europe are not upset one iota. (Couldn’t give a flying F..K.)

Sarkozy/ Merkel. Don’t mess too much. Remember what happened last time. We can always bring the ‘A’ Team back from Afghanistan. Swap Dithery for someone who has the cajonies to deploy them.

Don’t worry. They are not going to fall out big time because people with no morals aren’t going to put themselves on the dole. After a year and a half in the job his dole is worth a fortune to me. Why didn’t I do it? Become an MP. I am not that bent!! That is why.

The Archers theme tune on radio 4 kicked me out of lethargy. I had done a seeing to, takes bloody hours, no one can understand them. No worries The Archers comes on at a convenient dog walk time, it also comes on at seven at night…………..not a convenient time. One day they will ban it as puerile crap. I just hope I live to see the day.

 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    Off we headed into town. I’d fired the dogs off into a field for their necessary crap. How is it that dogs can hold crap for a day or more till the right piece of grass comes along?


Market day in Hawes. Just the one stall, this was shot at half two, it will enlarge but there is only the one stall. I purchased carrots, parsnips and fat balls. Mainly just to encourage him. It is blowing a hooley. 

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  The post office. Reminds me that the truck needs a tax disc.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA One of two good antique shops.



I actually visited the Spar shop. Needed milkandbreadandfagsandwine. There! Easy shopping!

flat   Shot blasted we were on the way home this is the view from the van door. I actually love weather. I haven’t got the BBQ out. I’m not that keen.

Trevor said today. How do I shoot and post the same day? A lass asked a similar question . She said. “In two minutes!”

The answer is. I’m busy……. Doing nothing!……. Never the less I’m busy.

Enjoy your life….I  love mine.


  1. Great blog Adrian, and the photos, so brilliant too. Looking at the Antiques shops, how or what do you with a piece of the olde things?

  2. Bob, I would by a bigger camper and fill it up.

    Richard, I am following your blog. You lot are as mad as a box of frogs but I like you.

  3. It looks wintry! I love the weather too - which is just as well really!

  4. I'm not sure it's just the Amish who are as mad as a box of frogs Adrian. But I like you just the same!

    It's good to see the pics of Hawes as well. I've been there but didn't remember it at all. Nothing unusual in that then.

    I'd ask if you had something against DC but I won't because it might start you off again. I always found politicians such lovable cuddly things.

    And, as a bonus, you mentioned The Archers. I see from that they are still around. My first memory of them was the night Grace died in the fire rescuing her horse Midnight. I was 11.

  5. Had another good laugh reading your post Adrian!
    It seems that you can see the middle of nowhere from where you are right now...the one stall market is quite something!By the way I like the antics shops...but is there anyone to buy anything???
    The weather was beautiful today and yesterday down here, sunny and mildish except during the night when we had a mini storm...
    You should travel south, it seems that there is a micro climate!!!:)))

  6. I love that you love your life..
    It shines through your images!

  7. HI Adrian...Sometimes after reading one of your post I just don't know what to say..lol
    Most times I shake my head and smile and chuckle to myself, but I love ya just the same..
    I am glad that you are happy...and I hope you don't freeze to death in that travel home of your ...
    My Mom used to say "leave him be"... "he is happier than a pig eating shit" ..is that you!!
    Love the antique store..is there people to buy that stuff there...I love to go antiquing, but it is so blooming expensive here!!
    Enjoy your fags...they will kill you...,but u will go happy!

  8. I love those shops, Adrian, those are wonderful quality images. I also appreciate the editing tutorial you did on my photo today. It looks a lot better than what you started with.

  9. The Archers is a bit like a national institution, or Stonehenge, and been going for as long. Only difference is more people are interested in Stonehenge.
    A one stall market; I love it. You couldn't make this stuff up could you. (I used to be a market trader; great fun)
    And I love the shop fronts.

  10. I have thought for quite a while that the BBC should take regard of the Trades Description Acts and rename their news broadcasts and channel to BBC Speculation. They spend hours dragging in failed politicians and know nowts to blather on.

    Many years ago I used to enjoy The Archers, when the programme used the soap opera format to inform farmers. Bring back Mrs Dale's Diary I say.

    Small market towns look much the same anywhere don't they.

  11. Great post Adrian, showing a typical English market town on a cold winters afternoon. Does one market stall qualify Hawes as a market town?

    Interesting diet you have, carrots...parsnips... and, fat balls! Ingredients for a vegetable gruel maybe?

    It always amazes me how these antique shops survive...do people really buy that many antiques?

    An excellent record of your afternoon walk...better than the Archers!

    And a two post day... now that's just taking the .... !!.....[;o)

  12. Annie, weather, difficult to avoid it. Why forecasters have so much trouble, it keeps changing! I did have doubts about the Orca but it's dorsal fin swung me in favour of Orca. Plus they are common in your part of the world.

    Graham, madness and I are like peas in a pod. The Archers and political drivel tipped me over the edge. Only momentarily but the speed I type it only takes a moment to rant.

    DeeBee, I'm off south tomorrow. I suspect Antique Dealers buy amongst themselves. It is a one stall town.

    Laura, it's the only life I have. If I can't love me then I really do have a problem.

    Grace, Whoops! you don't wander about in old clothes with a funny hat on.......surely not! I quite like Amish. Has possibilities.
    Something kills us all. No worries. fags are like salt and sugar and protein bad for me one minute and then I should be taking them again.

    JoLynne. No problem, I just play around. It passes time on a wet day.

    Keith, no you couldn't make it up. It's where good comedy comes from is real life. Damn cold for them.

    John, I used to here it years ago because it came on either just before or just after the Shipping Forecast. Then the BBC decided to drop all but a couple of Shipping Guesses.
    This is a very small market. I can imagine in summer it's full of tat.

    Trevor Hawes has a charter to hold their market and have done for three hundred years.
    The fat balls are for the birds......they taste vile. The veg is to go with a couple of lamb chops. One has got to have five a day...Pints?
    It was a three post day. I did a 'Seeing To' as you know.

  13. It's not often you see a sign for motor vehicle licenses, that must be a listed one. Loving the light in the windows.

  14. Jay, about the only light there was.
