I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Saturday 19 November 2011

NO TRAINS (19/11/11)

It’s been another wonderful day. I took the dogs out before dawn, I have a head torch, they would just lose theirs so they have to work on smell. They work too well on scent. Alfie found a Pheasant, daft bird is supposed to be sitting in a tree in the dark but found himself trapped against sheep netting by a wee white dog. The racket it was making encouraged Molly to join in the fun. Alf was tapping it with his paw to try and get it to fly. I shouted leave it you bad dogs……… or words to that effect. Poor bird was well stuck in the netting. Thought about giving the RSPB a ring but it was only just at the back of six thirty so extricated it myself. Whilst checking it over it crapped on my clean trousers, It’s a waste of time doing laundry round here. No harm appeared to have befallen it so I chucked it up into the air and away it went.

We came back to the van breakfasted and were out again. I was going train spotting. There is a narrow gauge steam railway here. No trains!….. Bother!…. I’ll be away to the end of my Grans alley! I thought they ran weekends throughout the year, not this weekend. I’ll be back at Christmas when I see they are putting on a double header. Given clement weather that will be a unique sight. Two miniature steamers puffing away. I must make a note of the date on a bit of paper and do my best not to lose it. I could pop it on Google Calendar…….It’s very good they send an e-mail to tell me to have a look. Like having a PA but without the physical presence or attraction.

Now you think I have no pictures……….it’s about three forty five in the afternoon the sky has cleared and I may have a good sunset. I thought it was too cloudy………….wait and see whilst I totter down to the estuary. The cloud is thinning and it’s only a ten minute walk or a twenty minute wander.

In the mean time I have taken some flowers……….I’ll do my best to guess but as is customary any help is more than welcome.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI haven’t a clue…..it’s growing on the side of the railway…………………..

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  As is this perfect rose. It can only have flowered today or late yesterday as the rain would have destroyed it.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is Herb Robert or something very similar. This is middling small and grows close to the ground in sludge. A damn good job I didn’t get changed.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAgain I don’t know, quite a posh wee plant. I never used to take much notice of plants but they are quite fascinating. I missed the focus on this. It’s windy and I’m rubbish. It looks like a Nettle of the non stinging persuasion.


I’ve trawled my inexpensive Collins field guide and the closest match is Prickly Lettuce. Again blowing about in the wind…………..That’s it for flowers we hit the shore for a bit of birding.


As usual a waste of time with this pair of hooligans ripping the air asunder with their snapping, yapping, yipping and snarling. The odd thing is the Oystercatchers seem to accept it.

I’m back from sunsetting…………

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   ……………as I suspected it was not a belter. Too much high cloud and the further away you are the thicker it appears to be. I see I’ve got Molly in the picture. I seem to spend half my life cloning dogs out of images.

It was time to head back, one whistle and they positively leapt to obey…………….

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   I wish!……….I thought that’s good but they shot straight past to play with a Standard Poodle.

I’ll see what tomorrow brings our way.


  1. Nice pictures, more sunsets and those two frolicking in the setting sun. And there is the flowers, I can't help you out, I'm not a botanist. Try it out on Keith.

  2. I love the glow of the sunset.

    Flowers; the blue one looks like a Periwinkle.
    Rose, and Herb Robert you got.
    The next one I'm pretty certain is Hedge Woundwort; usually finished flowering by now though. Still, it has been mild,
    And the lovely yellow one is Charlock. 99% sure.

  3. Bob, it is sunset heaven here. Only a matter of catching a good one at high tide.

    Keith, many thanks for the IDs. Charlock isn't in my book. I'll give it a google. This weather is odd. Just in from the dogs last tiddle of the day. The sky is clear but it's not jacket weather.

  4. Lovely to read your post Adrian and the pooches look like they were really enjoying themselves.
    Your images a fantastic to see...
    November flowers in the North? Amazing to see.

  5. Keith you are spot on with Charlock....Wild Mustard. It has those leaves. I being a dumb cluck never thought to associate such big leaves with such small flowers. Thanks again.

  6. Andrew, cheers. We will suffer for this clement weather. It's just not proper.

  7. Holding Moments is right about the flowers (of course) and the Hedge Woundwort is an awful plant. Some found its way into my garden and its trying hard to take over.

  8. I am not surprised that you got all these photos with the fantastic sunny day we had! The sunset is very soft and your dogs naughty dirty as usual apparently! As for the pheasant...never seem such stupid birds, they get easily stuck in metal fences like hens but they drive me mad when they are crossing the road in front of your car, look at you slowing down madly to avoid them then turn and cross back in the direction they come from! Almost a ritual!!

  9. I'm glad you left Molly in the sunset shot. And that last one is smile inducing!

  10. You must have the happiest dogs in all the world!

  11. Interesting selection today, Adrian, and I have to say that I, too, like to see Molly (or Alfie) in the photo foreground to give a focus to look past.

  12. John, Hedge Woundwort does have pretty flowers.

    DeeBee, it was not so sunny here. The dogs never give up. Pheasants are exceptionally dim, the males anyway.

    Pauline, I can get them back, well, sometimes. I was surprised at their speed as I hadn't noticed the other dog.

    Laura, they wander about as they please but in practice are rarely too far away.

    Graham, today was a case of the devil driving. Nothing much about at all.

  13. Great images and post Adrian, The Periwinkle image is superb. Nice to see the 'hooligans' enjoying themselves!...[;o)

  14. You're still flowering so beautifully there. Only the rare, little wildflower persists, here. Thanks for rescuing that pheasant.. despite its poopy return gift. Your little pooches seem to be having a great time romping on the beach. All of your photos are absolutely lovely.

  15. Hilary, there aren't many flowers but the ones that are about are new growth.
    Pheasants are stupid. Had it damaged itself I would be eating it. It was more an inspection than a rescue.
    Alfie, the big one spent his first nine months by the sea. He's only two and a bit so a sea dog at heart.

    Trevor, Thanks, like a mad house at times. They know when it's home time so have to have one last dash. They live for the moment, are always fed, hugged and cursed. A dogs life must be a good one.

  16. Great opening picture. Just as well you have other interests apart from the narrow gauge railway as it's a long and awkward trek to get to that point.

  17. Jay, I can walk across at low water. It gets a bit squidgy in places and one has to watch the tide or wait for hours. It is one hell of a walk to get back round.
    My life is mainly about photographs and ranting at politicians but this lot are too easy.
