I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Sunday 13 November 2011


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Yesterday I moved to Tan Hill, A wonderful day sunny and mild. I had a grand if soggy footed wander over the moor. I unfortunately left the camera battery in the van so you’ll just have to imagine the sunshine. This moss is Tortula muralis, if it isn’t, it is something similar.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  As you can see the weather is back to normal…….mist makes the moss sparkle so it’s not all bad.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   Such a selection of moss, grass and lichen……….a wonderful tiny world.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  The tiny green lichen that look like golf tees are Cladonia of some sort. I’m going to have to get a book on lichen and moss.

When I got back last evening I replaced the battery in the camera.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   Sunset from Tan Hill, you can just see the mist starting to roll in. A good day, lets us hope for a few more like it.

Have a good week.


  1. Another lovely set of images from you. That sunset is just amazing.

  2. A beautiful sunset. I like the misty one too

  3. I love this "natural small world", there is so much beauty in it! You should be enjoying a beautiful sunny Sunday as we do in the south...well, i hope so (i didn't check the weather chart). At least you had a great sunset!

  4. A heavenly place Adrian.
    Love that sunset. Let's hope the weather continues to be good for a while.

  5. Hilary, I can remember when atmospheric pollution made them stunning..........it's not a bad one but very noisy as the sun had set.

    Annie, I enjoy mist but the only positive for our climate is variability. We live for it.....two weeks of the same and I tend towards suicidal. This is my favourite place. Miles of nothing to some people but miles of everything for me.

    DeeBee, It is stunning, a universe in a coffee cup. Une tasse de cafe solo. I think French and Spanish may be muddled here........Je suis desolate.

    Keith, nothing but Red Grouse up here, plenty of Black Grouse three miles away. Saw two on the way up the hill.
    Spring is the time for you Meadow Pipets doing their wee air dance. Lapwings being boring, Curlew being evasive and Merlin doing their best to eat them all.

  6. Lovely images Adrian it's been a pleasant day.
    You are in a lovely part of the world.

  7. I love that first shot - are you sure you did't take a plant misting spray out with you!

  8. The sunset is marvelous to see, beautiful photos.

  9. Glad someone has managed to see the Sun Adrian. The moss and lichen make lovely subjects even if the identification can be such a pain.

  10. Beautiful "misterious" pictures!

  11. I enjoyed these, especially the macros with water droplets.

  12. You sound so happy, waxing lyrical and all! Your miniatures are lovely and the sunset....

  13. The last shot is so restful and redolent of autumn evening with a pipe and glass of something (anything actually!). Hey ho. Times past. Haven't smoked a pipe since the last century. Can't say the same about the glass though.

    It's the first picture that takes the prize though. You'd have some difficulty creating that in PS.

  14. The last shot is so restful and redolent of autumn evening with a pipe and glass of something (anything actually!). Hey ho. Times past. Haven't smoked a pipe since the last century. Can't say the same about the glass though.

    It's the first picture that takes the prize though. You'd have some difficulty creating that in PS.

  15. Andrew, the weather is now back to awful.

    John, I do have an atomiser. I use glycerine and water 50%-50%. I didn't need it on this occasion.

    Bob, thanks a real spirit lifter.

    John, they are incredibly beautiful. Looks as if I'll be out for some more when it warms up.

    Monica, I love the tiny world.

    JoLynne , many thanks.

    Pauline, I always cheer up up here. It's an inhospitable environment but it suits me.

    Graham, it was a bit cool for sitting around. Fine for walking though.
    The first image needed to be shot from lower down but then the drops didn't show up. No Chance in PS.

  16. Love those little mossy guys
    and that sunset is incredibly incredible!

  17. Adrian, I really like the first image with the water droplets, but the sunset with the mist is a stunner, just perfect for hanging (biiig!) on a wall...[;o)

  18. Seeing the finer things in life is a blessing.

  19. Laura, they are beautiful. The sunset is five minutes too late. I did try to run for the battery I'd left behind in a senior moment.

    Trevor, the first I like. i wanted to get lower down but I lost the reflection in the drops. The last is okay but shot handheld so far too noisy for print.

    Haddock, my world contracts in heavy mist or fog, also when I feel threatened by anything. I just look at what is important. In this case a few square feet of bog. A grand little world that on a sunny day I would tread on.
