I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Saturday 20 February 2010


I feel sorry for the wild birds round here. What they live on is anyone's guess but as soon as I arrived I was accosted by a Blackbird. I’d purchased a pork chop for supper so donated the fat to him.

The following morning it was birding of a more basic sort, the boyfriend was quickly on the scene putting a premature stop to my aspirations. She was either new to him or my sort of girl, if he felt he had to act so precipitously! Win some lose some.

Today when we returned the Blackbird was all for coming into the van. Both he and his mate are fearless or very hungry. I remembered that the bird feeder had an inch of seed remaining we still have oats and Wheetbix so mixed a handful each of the latter, chucked them on the ground and hung the former.


A waste of time the feeder. This Great Tit is obviously not your urban variety. He knew there was food but had several goes and this was as good as it got. I put some on the ground for it.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Funny how they keep returning to the same twig before risking a beak full.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA This male Chaffinch was much more relaxed.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA A case of eyes bigger than tummy? Almost bigger than beak.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASeed? Last time I got pork!!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHe’s getting cross, Wheetbix is for sissies! Stamping his feet, it works for worms. Tried to explain pigs are different.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA His mate is just out of focus, I was zooming out and at 500mm I can focus at 1.5m. A week here and you could have them eating out of your hand. The odd thing is that although there are a couple of Robins they are very nervous, most unlike them. All the above are uncropped with the exception of the Great Tit pictures. The only other birds around are a Dunnock and a pair of Magpies.

As I said we are off down to Keswick tomorrow and hopefully will see the Ospreys. If not there’s always the pencil museum!


  1. Um, I think that idea of the pencil museum is quite strange! I am looking for the Ospreys.

  2. The Doctor Doolittle of blogland lol
    Eating from your hand? I reckon you'll have them fetching the paper soon. Lovely shots. I am just a little envious here ;)

  3. Some really great images that bring back memories! back in the days before I went digital, I was lucky enough to be asked to be the official Photographer for the National Meningitis Trust Whilst Competing in the Three Peaks Challenge. It was a great time. It was held as a Millennium challenge. Snowdon, Scarfell Pike, Ben Nevis, to add spice I also climbed Mt. Carauntoohill in the McGillicuddy Reeks range, (the highest in Ireland) Of them all Scarfell was the biggest Challenge, we climbed it at night! and came down as the fist light illuminated the very valley you shot. Great photos, great commentary, great blog.

  4. You have stolen my thunder today with the birds,I spent all morning shooting blue tits,coal tits and bullfinches,but they were nothing like as clear as yours.I will save my pics for another day.!!
    The snow pictures are fantastic and the scenery magnificent,what more can I say.

  5. Bob not strange , bizarre! Keswick used to be the hub of the pencil industry. Due to local graphite deposits. Will try for an Osprey or Otter.

    Keith, Not quite from my hand but they were happy at about a meter. Great place, great times.

    Kipling, once I had settled on a camera setting it was difficult not to get a few reasonable images, perfect conditions.

    Matron sorry about that, I used to be the master of blurry birds. Auto focus can work but rarely. I have the ISO set to between 800 and 1250 aperture to f10 or thereabouts and blast away. Did try with camera on continuous but rarely go that route. One way is to ptactise on hens and ducks they tend not to wiz off at a critical point. Keep practising and good luck.

  6. I've just caught up with your posts from the past week or so. Surely this was your best week ever!! Looks like you have mastered bird shots - what are you going to move on to next?

  7. Pauline, thank you, still a long way to go. A really great week. glorious weather helps.

  8. Great close shots of you new found friend. I winder what Molly thinks of her new rivals.

  9. Thanks John, she isn't interested in birds excepting Pheasants she can't resist chasing them.
