I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Thursday 21 July 2011

CELEBRATION (21/07/11)

folded horse   A pony and two rams from earlier in the week, again, kept in my pocket.

I have done my creases myself…….today!…….Whilst sitting in a state of near collapse waiting for VOSA to declare my home fit for the road. VOSA? Vehicle and Operator Services Agency……..sounds like a friendly benevolent society………….No…………they are the work of the devil.

Once again Skipbridge Garage just outside Darlington  did sterling work. Holding the campers wheel whilst she underwent her annual medical……Driving me from their garage to my temporary lodgings, collecting me and reuniting me with my van with another years legal service in front of her………..Yeah! She passed……….at the second go but she passed. i also shelled out for three tyres so no more slip sliding about this winter.

We are away into the Yorkshire Dales for the weekend so I do not expect to be in blogland till Monday or Tuesday.  Tomorrow is a ‘falling down water’ day at the Old Hill Inn just up the hill from Ingleton. Saturday I’ll see what grows in the Limestone Pavement, have a look at a few pot holes and generally meander. I’ve never been in summer so warm rain will be a pleasant change.

You all have a good weekend.


  1. Good news about the camper Adrian. I dread these MOT days.
    The ‘falling down water’ is flowing here at the moment.

  2. Good news about the camper Adrian.
    I am so jealous about your whereabouts...
    I only spent three days up there after 20 years of visiting the Lakes and am already pining for more.

  3. Glad to hear about the camper. Love that photo.

  4. Good to read your mobile home is still mobile.

  5. Really good news for the camper. I don't miss the MOT, I get mine through motability.

  6. Indiana had an inspection law a few years ago. We all figured that it was just another way for the state government to take our money. It went by the wayside, thank goodness!
    love your phrase about rain! :)

  7. Glad you're good to roll. I like the photo. Will you post the original?

  8. I regard myself as lucky when in the UK 'cos The Nighthawk only requires an MOT once a year. The Handbag in New Zealand, on the other hand, has to be tested every 6 months. So I have three tests a year - ouch!

  9. Thanks one and all. I've got so far behind i think I'll start again from today.

    Jolynne, yes I'll pop the original on my next post.

  10. Going to the garage is like sitting in the Doctor's or Dentist's waiting room ... whichever way it goes, it's gonna cost something ... then a feeling of a relief that it's gonna live to fight another day !

  11. Jay, the VOSA test is in some ways better than an MOT. One books the test, they give one a hit list you get that done and send it back in. It's all in the same fee.
    Still a fraught time though.
