I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Thursday 7 July 2011

A CHANGE OF PLAN (07/07/11)

What a busy day, van washed and polished………………..Well sprayed with liquid wax. I went into Harrisons for a Macro Plate………ended up buying new………the horror! A big kids toy……………………….

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    It’s too windy to try it out but expect superb focus stacking…………..from someone else!

We are here…………….an old haunt.


image     This is a couple of miles from the place I used to live before I became an Old Age Traveller. We are here for a week and will try to have fun.

The downside to travelling is that the rarer birds never get round to dining with me till I’m about to move on.

This morning………………………………………………………..

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     A young Nuthatch.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA        A young Greater Spotted Woodpecker…………….how do I know it’s young………….easy!……….It didn’t fly away at the first sign of a camera.

I’ve just set the feeders up…………Sparrows…………they have done well this year. It’s good to see them.

Sunshine and showers today so as it’s an hours walk to Drgonflies in one direction and the same in the other for Peregrine Falcons I’ll give up blogging and start tea.

Have fun.


  1. As always your bird pics are wonderful. I love the nuthatch (meep meep).

  2. You seem to be the one having all the fun! love the bird shots

  3. Lovely images Adrian... I live in Northwich an inch to the left on your first map.
    Enjoy your stay.

  4. The birds look great, hope your enjoying yourself.

  5. I looked at the macro focussing thingy some while ago but being tight fisted I decided on the electronic approach. Hope it does the job for you.

    Great shot of the young nuthatch.

  6. That bit of shopping has made a difference, really great. The woodie and the nuthatch are beautiful photos.

  7. Hilary, the little Nuthatch was gorgeous, made my day.

    Norma, life is good at the moment.

    Andrew, I'm from just over the hill. it's a grand spot.

    Horst, life is good at the moment. Thanks.

    John, it does the job........Should do at £75.00p.

    Bob, it was great to see them both. Woodpeckers are illusive wee things.

  8. Oh, I LOVE nuthatches! We have them here, too and it is so fun watching them scoot down the trees. Great capture with the woodpecker, too! It's great to find a young, inexperienced one who doesn't know he's supposed to FLEE!

  9. Krista, the Nuthatch is a smashing bird. They are easier when young.

  10. Great shots on the feeder, hope it didn't set you back too much.

  11. Jay, £20.00p if I remember correctly.
