I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Sunday 24 April 2011


Today is far from over but after yesterday!………..I really liked yesterdays beer and beer and beer. The photos were alright as well. Up before the Skylark this morning……….proper fog.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  Not stunning but shot looking north from Tan Hill…………..click it. It looks better large. A touch subdued for my taste but okay. This is a four image stitch. Should have HDR’d it but serious birders like me don’t use tripods. I’m a wee touch slow they don’t use wide angle lenses either. Be patient I’ll get there.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   Back to the van and swapped to Telephoto………….I liked these trees. Trees in fog.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    A wee brown job………..I’m hoping it’s a Meadow Pipit………’Cos it was out with the poncho. Doesn’t smell too good today as I changed the oil and filters on the gen set yesterday and used it to lie on. Fair reeks of petrol and old engine oil. It’s getting character! Soon be one of the family.

After breakfast, yogurt and porridge today, off we went. Alfie is on an Easter break. Even a dog deserves a holiday. Stuffed Moll in the shade and settled down.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     I can hear her thoughts……………not that poncho again. She settles and goes to sleep. she’s a good dog she isn’t tied up but thinks she is if I clip the lead on.

Meadow Pipets coming up. These are like a Sparrow, I’m hoping they aren’t Sparrows. Little blighters are faster than an Exocet. Feel free to click out now if you aren’t turned on by wee brown birds.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     My left eye……………………………

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     My right eye……………….”Think I’m Boring! Shame on you look what I can do. I can fly six feet up and dangle my legs to attract a mate……..I also sing …………….badly…….Them Skylarks can really sing and fly higher but they are bigger and have a punk hairdo. No point in going that high. Women are fickle you’ve either scored or you haven’t, so I'll stick at a foot or so”.

“Go on then is your camera ready?………….are you ready? Cos I’m like greased lightening at this job”.





OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Brilliant…………..this was the fourth time he did it……..none of the pictures are cropped but just click and you can see him large. Daft bird…………….have to be, he’s at Tan Hill.

We saw the Merlin this morning………..A kestrel sized thing but with a face that resembles a Bottle nosed Dolphin. It doesn’t hover………..out for him and Curlew tomorrow. At Least that’s another done. I’m an expert now so whatever you birders think it is……..Forget it!  I’m like Charles Darwin……..I sees it and calls it what I want. The spotted Tan Hill Sparrer!

Have fun and a good bank holiday Monday.


  1. You sound more like Adam, naming them whatever. lol Do you keep a bird notebook?
    The water views are fantastic!

  2. Adrian, these are excellent. You've mastered the bird stuff.
    I was trying for Meadow Pipits, and Wheatears this morning; unsuccessfully.
    Love the trees and mist. Had mist here today.

  3. Wonderful images, Adrian. Have a great day.

  4. The misty trees are magical, and the Meadow Pipit sequence is quite fascinating! Molly looks so patient!

  5. Norma, No, no notebook, half the time I haven't a clue what I'm looking at.

    Keith, Cheers, they are amusing little things.

    Horst, Thanks, you too.

    Glo, it was good mist. Unlike today. It's thick fog. Molly is fine, she just likes being out.

  6. Nice set Adrian Nice flying pipet good captures.

  7. I love your misty landscapes....very lovely! I so enjoyed your bird images in each step of flying...wow, they do glide for a while to get totheir prey in a hurry...so interesting to watch! They are amazing images Adrian! Your doggy is sweet, have a great Easter weekend....Linda

  8. Linda, I hope your Easter came up to expectation. The wee bird is courting not hunting. The whole fly up hang around and come back down is over in less than a minute. They do make a heck of a racket whilst doing it. Great little things. the area is full of ground nesting birds so I'll pop back up for the raptors once the first batch of chicks have hatched.

  9. I'm very behind with my blog reading. It's what happens when you transfer homes 12,000 miles apart. The bril weather here on Lewis hasn't helped either 'cos there's been so much to do outside in the sun - like painting fences ravaged by the winter weather.

    However it's good to be back when I can view and read posts like this.

  10. Graham, Not to worry........It took ages to get this wee chap he's up and back down in seconds. It's good fun though.
