I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Sunday 28 August 2011

THE END OF SUMMER (28/08/11)

Yesterday Tan Hill was invaded by the Irish…………all we needed on a busy Bank Holiday……….Everything I needed, they saved the day. Tan hill is heaving. A slight problem with the stage lighting meant the bands were lit from behind and in front but no light on the band. My skill with a camera is limited but I’d defy David Bailey to get a shot in that light.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    If the Irish are a little strange there are plenty of English out of their trees……………

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  And many, many more…………..These were shot at dusk so monster ISO but it is an image of Britain's highest pub doing what pubs should………….it’s like a Tardis it absorbs folk…………..Italians. Lithuanians, Afro Caribbean  and for all I know Gaddafi. He’d be welcome……..we like nutters here. So long as they are harmless loonies.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Six thousand four hundred ISO……..took me ten minutes to find ISO in the thousands on the camera. Also as official photographer I did expect a chair to stand on or at least a beer crate……….Official photographers are expected  to bring their own………….busy it is, standing room only. This is a support band twenty shots messing about with spot metering and locking it. This was the best I got.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA monster flash unit and an assistant to work it is what is required………..Or a decent camera man and I’ll hold the flash. A waste of time my continuing but one lives and learns.

Step back half an hour. Back to sanity.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA The road is thronged……………. there are people. It’s pouring with rain, cold but we are waiting for a charity ride from the highest pub in Ireland to the Highest pub in England.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Some of the Irish contingent…………..Now I’ve left this photo as it is but the bloke on the right is duplicated, most odd, water in the works………I hope not. It’s also a little odd to dress teenage twins in the same outfits. A wonderful thing is the variation in cultures.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIrelands highest pub the Top of the COOM. Ritchie spelt it wrong……………when I told him he altered it………..Not my fault he said…… If the buggers could speak English I’d have spelt it proper. I’s sure they said CROOMB on the PHRONE. He got the ‘R’ rubbed out just in time.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWell…. Half rubbed out. This was supposed to be an electric assisted push bike run. Somewhere along the way they collected a few Harleys and a load of Honda Fifties.



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA What an achievement……………….I’m here.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnd so is he………….don’t think much to his girl friend.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis image I love. Two bikers from Biker……………….Biker is an area of Newcastle. Their pronunciation is unintelligible to folk four miles away.  The Irish lad couldn’t understand a word so they commandeered his bike for a photo. It was almost dark this is the best and last of eight goes. He is still bemused. The lass on the left looks like butter wouldn’t melt………….said or I think she said. ‘ It’s fair pissing down Jus Tek us pikture’. It’s not coffee in the flask tops it’s vodka and cider…………..strawberry flavoured cider! So a good evening in the end.

I’m fine, this snapping can be hard work. So a  clear head. Odd how life transpires. I go out for a quick pint and end up crawling home………….go out for a serious booze up and come back sober……………..life is mysterious and to be honest a bit beyond me.

Two days of holiday to go, enjoy them.


  1. that's a bunch of people! looks like they had fun...

  2. It looks like the craziest place in the world. I will get there one day.
    Fantastic pictures to capture some of the fun Adrian. I can imagine it wasn't easy.
    That last shot is priceless.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  3. I like the look of all that. The fun of it is evident. And I like that last shot, too. You don't have to be able to understand people to know when they are up for a bit of fun!

  4. Top o' the morning to ya.............
    I love it, I really really do.

  5. Norma, it is a daft enough place mid-week in winter........a Bank Holiday and Irish thrown in it becomes insane.

    Keith, I find it hard work it takes so long to get folk to ignore the camera.

    Pauline, it was too dark really but it is fun and to have several hundred people all half cut and friendly restores my faith in humanity.

    Majid, I'll leave this but it is not what Blogs are for. They are for communication between like minded people.

    Bob, it is a wonderful place if a little busier than usual.

    Bengt, thank you.

  6. The proof that Irish are used to have fun despite the downpour! Well, I presume they have a serious training! :D
    The twin teenagers don't seem to be annoyed at being dressed the same way, I'm sure it works in their favour as they can pretend to be each other!!

  7. Dee Bee, it's hard not to have fun up here. I think the weather helps.
    Dressing twins the same just seems a little bizarre more about the parents than the kids. I bet mum can tell them apart.

  8. It all looks like good fun ..

  9. What a fantastic event Adrian it must have been brilliant to be there...
    Leeds and Reading festivals plus Creamfields near to me in Cheshire are where all the kids are this weekend.
    Tan Hill looks like the it may have been the best of the bunch... I love seeing images of people having fun so many thanks for sharing this post.

  10. Petrus, excellent for the last Bank Holiday.

    Andrew, it's always interesting up here. I enjoyed taking them......can be hard work though.

  11. Love the idea of bikers fron Biker. I'm sure one could come up with similar examples if one tried. Too tired to try though....

  12. Sounds like a fun time, and I like that last photo. I'm glad you include people now and again; they're an important part of the landscape.

  13. What wonderful festivals you have! Everyone looks so happy and pleased.

  14. Wow what a fun set of photos... thank you for sharing such a marvelous day. That shot with the twins, which coincidentally twinned the fellow on the right is eye-catching and thought-provoking for sure.

  15. John, the girls are Geordie lasses but not from Biker...........Bloggers licence I took. You have set my mind tumbling. I'm desperate to think of more.................Can't!

    JoLynne, I'm a solitary person........to get good photos of people one has to be the act.......I do like Shooting folk but most are self concious so it does take time. I must do more of it.

    Olga, they are just glad to be away from Ireland. If one picks the north of England then A good time is almost guaranteed.

    Hilary, sorry about the chap on the right.....it's editing in layers and inattention caused it. Serendipity!

  16. A good time had by all by the looks of things.

  17. I'm just back in Blogland. Was it a Bank Holiday yesterday? Of course. Foreign country. Forgot. Anyway it's good to come back to you at your bemusing best. I must get to Tan Hill one day. Must.

  18. John...it was a good weekend. This place has yet to disappoint.

    Graham, It is worth a visit......check their web site and pick quiet or busy to suit your mood. If you want a room book early.

  19. Good job you didn't take the van out, you might have lost your car parking space ! Never thought I would see scenes like this. It looks like the place has been commandeered by the Irish for a night or two ... althar ah divven knar aboo' tha' aas aav nivor seen cups lyke tha' b'for in Bykah lyke !!

  20. Jay, only a few were Irish, under normal circumstances that would sound like a host but they were competing with a large Geordie contingent. I get there early it's the only level bit of parking.
