I live in a camper van with a West Highland Terrier for company.
My passion is creating images but it is a work in progress.
I am always willing to share what knowledge I have and can be contacted through the comments on this post or e-mail ADRIAN

Wednesday 5 October 2011

DEJA VU (05/10/11)

Deja Vu is French and means already seen. You may experience Deja Vu after reading this post. You will be wrong as all images are from this morning. I delayed our walk as it was raining first thing. It’s very windy but the sun has popped out a couple of times so things could be a whole lot worse.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA    Solomon's Temple……………I previously thought it was Solomon’s Tower. No real difference unless one Googles it.

I then decided to have a wander round the deciduous woodland. I heard plenty of Warblers but couldn’t see them for the leaves.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  The Warblers loss was the fungi’s gain…………..some wonderful specimens about.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHoney Fungus I hope. Plenty of it whatever it is.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA      I’m ninety percent certain this is the same again.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA      This is different I’m going for Common Stump Brittle-Head.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA      This is the same clump as the previous picture but shot with no regard for my sartorial elegance from a wet woodland floor. They are wonderful whatever they turn out to be.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA       This is Artists Fungus….it’s in perfect condition though a bit sandy.

It’s giving a cooler but drier day tomorrow. I just hope it’s brighter.

That’s all for today.


  1. That artist's fungus is well named. It's interesting to see the varieties you have over there--we don't get many mushrooms in the high desert.

  2. He's got lovely bunch of "fungi". You must have a good sence of mushroom names by now.

  3. Hi Adrian...I love the third photo...did you tweak it somehow?? ; }
    I love these mushroom ...especailly like the next to last, all stacked up !!
    Growing up I new a gentlemen painter who painted wonderful stuff on the Artist Fungus!!

    Have a great one , what is left of it!!
    PS we have our first frost warning for tonight! eeeks!

  4. JoLynne, If you draw on the white surface it discolours brown.

    Bob, I do know more.........apparently I have another 19,000 to learn. I only know twenty or so.

    Grace, the second and third are tweeked. One out of focus image one in focus then they are stacked.
    It's giving it cold here tomorrow.

  5. Golly - that tier of Honey Fungus is fantastic.

    I'm missing your maps of where you are. After a few days I forget where exactly you are parked. Will have to work my way back to remind myself.

  6. John, I didn't do a map because the internet is very slow. Just south of Buxton. If you pop SK17 6UJ into Google maps you should find us.

  7. Lovely images Adrian...
    So much fungi on your side of the hill.
    It's been so dry this side this Summer I really do have to search them out..

  8. Hi Adrian, great Fungi photos, love the first photo as well. Solomon's Temple.

  9. I've never seen so many mushrooms in the one spot. Maybe we just don't get as many here - or I walk around with my eyes shut.

  10. Andrew, it is a good year for them. I'm supposed to be on the dry side.

    Horst, Thanks, I want some night shots of it. Too windy at the moment. I'm here for a while so we'll see.

    Pauline, they can be difficult to spot. I find most of them whilst going up steep hills. I stop to get my breath and there they are. It is a mucky job though.

  11. Great fungus shots Adrian.

    btw, the opening shot of Solomon's Temple in your previous blog is just fantastic...and the cow!...[;o)

  12. Trevor, thanks. They are impressive this year. Magical even.

  13. I am so happy Adrian...for the first time I understood the English language! :)))))
    Enjoying seeing more mushrooms as well!

  14. Dee Bee, Je suis content. Ce n'est pas un problème déjà est la même chose en français et anglais.
